Just the Beginning

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We stared at the opened duffle bags with amazement. Even the girls from the kitchen walked over to take a look. Duffel bag numero uno was filled with two baseball bats, two axes, five legitimate knives, some Phillips screwdrivers, and a small two by four. The second bag contained all of the long ranged weapons like pistols, shot guns, rifles, and even a sling shot. At the moment, I didn't even care about how he had all of this stuff. I was in weapon heaven.

"You guys can take your pick." Jordan said. I was really glad he took us to some shooting ranges a few years ago to learn how to use firearms.

James, who was the closest to the bag, took a baseball bat, a rifle, and a knife. Aleks chose to take an axe and a pistol. While Everyone else took their pick, I waited to be the last to choose.

"So, did you just have a gun safe at your house or something?" I asked my former boss.

"Actually, I did." He answered. "They were my dad's, and he passed them down to me a long time ago."

I looked back at the guys rummaging through the bags. "What are you going to take?"

"Oh, I already have what I need." He gestured across the room to a bow and about fifteen arrows laying by the door. I must have missed it when I sprinted into the house.

"Legit." I responded, grateful that we had Jordan around.

The crowd around the coffee table seemed to diminish, so I walked over to the Duffel bags. The last things inside were two pistols, a slingshot, and a knife.

"Is that alright, Sly?" Spencer asked, packing his new weapons in his bag.

"Yeah." I said assuredly. This was actually more that alright. Duel pistols are bad ass, and I could be fucking David with the sling shot. Plus, with the knife, I could let my inner Puerto Rican side loose. These weapons were bomb.

I suddenly remembered my special Walkie-Taklies. "Hey, Daniel. I have something for you." I rummaged through my backpack to find the the simple yet complex device. Pulling it out, I tossed it to Dan. He examined the radio like I was stupid.

"We are going to be on opposite sides of the country. Why would we need this?" He asked.

"You think I don't know that, doofus? These are very special. It's radio waves travel endlessly. Think of it as a cell phone!" I told him.

He reexamined the device and gave it a nod of approval. Daniel then hooked it onto his belt.

Aleks ran up to his room to pack, and James decided to cook everyone breakfast before we headed our separate ways. We ate scrambled eggs and toast with juice or milk. It wasn't that fancy, but I was thankful, for it was probably going to be the last legitimately cooked food I'd have in a long while.

While we were eating, Aleks kept running in and outside of the house, preparing for the worst. He collected all of the canned goods and nonperishable food items in the pantry and split them between the two groups. After packing them into his jeep, he got two extra containers of gas and threw them into the old car. He moved nonstop for about thirty minutes. until I said, "Sit down for a while, Aleks. You should eat."

"I'll eat later," he said, and continued packing.

We ate silently for what seemed like a long while. The tremors still continued, but they weren't as often as they had been. While chewing my food, I reviewed over the series of events that took place in the last twenty-four hours. I thought back to when I was watching Iron Man. While I was chilling on my couch, city's were crumbling into the ground. Human beings were suffering while I was being depressed about life. I never thought something like this could happen- how could this ever happen? The disease had to start somewhere; it had to be created by a complete genius if it makes zombies. Then again, how could someone do such a thing? How could someone watch the human race diminish due to an epidemic they started? That is cruel. Very, very cruel.

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