I Am a King

433 18 3

I grasped onto the gate, pushing it to the side to open it.

I stepped wearily onto the black asphalt, finding myself near the basketball courts. A few children limped beside me, and I maneuvered around them to not make contact.

I looked back at Seamus, watching him shut the gate. Bek sat on the curb, her head down in her knees.

I took a deep breath.

It's okay, Eddie. They don't know you're here.

I circled around the main building of the school, walking across the side lawn and making my way to the front entrance. Peeking through the transparent doors, I found a messy office.

Papers were scattered across the ugly, gray carpets. Blood was splattered on the walls, furniture, and floor. Chairs were knocked to the side, and the lights were flickering from being left on for so long.

I pushed open the door, a rotting smell wafted my way making me gag.

A map would be nice, I thought, traveling behind the office desks. I randomly pulled open different droors, searching for a map of the school.

"Oh come on." I thought, pushing papers aside on the desks, scrambling through random documents.

A quiet groan sounded behind me. I gasped, pivoting to turn around. My hand reached for my knife as I cautiously stepped forward and leaned to look into a side office. To my right was a room with a fairly overweight lady leaning forward on her desk. She took shaky, weezy breaths, and dried blood traveled down her left shoulder. Her skin had a pale green hue, and her hair was nappy.

I tiptoed into the small office even though I knew she couldn't hear me. Leaning over her, I lifted my knife abover her head and stabbed it down with as much strength as I could provide. As I forced it into her skull, she fell completely flat on her desk, limp. It took a while to pull the knife out of her head.

Good riddens.

I sighed, and turned to exit her office, turning the light off on the way out.

The office was a hopeless case. All of the maps decided to hide from me, so I decided to wing it. Stepping past the doors leading into a courtyard, I had a good view of all of the classrooms. There were different hallways of rooms, maybe about five or so. More undead kids stumbled across the asphalt, unsure of the meaning of life.

I glanced to my left to view a tall, tan building. I knew for sure that was where the girl was hiding. There were too many kids, though. They crowded in large groups, making it impossible for me to get through. I looked around, making sure nothing was heading in my direction.

Damnit! I thought, If only I had those molotovs...

Cursing under my breath, I stared back at the herds of children in front of the multi-purpoise building.

There seemed to be just enough space between them to rush through. About a feet sperated each of them.

Maybe they'll be too stunned by my touch to react quick enough.

I hoped this plan would work for the best, because there was no chance of walking around. I prepped in a running position, leaning forward with my right leg in front.

I took a deep breath and sprinted for it, causing a lot of commotion. Just as I'd reached the barrier of children, utter hell broke loose.

Or, at least... it sounded like hell.

These types of zombies were screamers. The bolted their hands forward reaching for me while crying for help, but I was too quick for them. As I passed through the thick layer of beings, I quickly ran for the doors of the tall building, rapidly pulling them open and dashing inside.

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