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"She needs to rest." I said.

"She needs stitches." Seamus argued.

I groaned, carrying the sleeping Bek in my arms. It was eleven o'clock at night; we've been walking for three hours. About an hour ago, Seamus and I switched positions. His shoulder began to hurt from carrying Bek.

"Dude, it's so late. Where the hell are we going to find stitches? In that bush over there?" I gestured to the woods right next to me.

Seamus rolled his eyes. "Well where do you think we're going to rest? We are in the middle of bum fuck nowhere."

"And?" I scoffed.

"And what?"

I sighed, slowly filling with fatigue. "I don't know, Seamus." I stopped walking. "I'm exhausted to be honest."

He hesitated with sympathy. "... I saw a rest stop sign a while back. It should be a quarter mile away now."

"Okay." I yawned and gripped onto Bek, making sure not to let her fall.

Seamus scanned the area, looking out for anything lurking in the dark. We came upon the rest stop, finding several abandoned trucks, empty bathrooms, and a desolate mini-mart. Stepping through the transparent doors of the small shop, I gently leaned Bek against a shelf and collapsed beside her.

Seamus had his hands on his hips as he towered over me.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked.

I yawned. "Sleeping."

Before he could answer, I shut my eyes and had a tea party with the Sandman.

[I don't usually like doing such sudden transitions, but screw it.]


Lazy bastard.

I squatted in front of Eddie, snapping my fingers in front of his face. "Wake up."

He began to snore, and I face palmed. Rising to my feet, I decided to searched around the store.

Maybe there's a sewing kit, I thought.

I walked down every isle, trying not to miss anything important.These shelves were already half raided. Bags of chips were scattered across the floor, some even stomped open. Bottles of water were recklessly torn out of their cases, and the fridge doors were all sprawled open. I snickered as I saw one of the transparent doors cracked on the floor.

"Pfft, people..." I mumbled to myself.

I traveled down the "odds and ends" isle, finding cheap toys, magazines, and candy.

And- lucky me- there was a small sewing kit meticulously placed on one of the shelves. I quickly grabbed it and put it in my pocket. Returning to the sleeping pair, I picked up all of our bags. I'd come to the conclusion to gear up, knowing it was unlikely to run into another generous group of people again.

I dug into Eddie's bag, wanting to call Dan and Jordan. Grabbing the walkie-talkie, I held it near my mouth and spoke.

"Hello? Hordan?"

It took them a while to respond.

"Seamus, is that you?" It was Daniel.

"It's been so long..."

"I know," He said. "What's happened?"

I snatched a few cans of chili and corn off of the shelves. "Aleks, Spencer, and James are no longer with us."

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