Chapter Thirty-Seven: "Shorty."

Start from the beginning

"I feel a connection with him. I don't feel one with y'all."

"So you're telling me if I blindfolded you and none of us talked and we just touched you, you could tell which one of us is Alex?"

"Probably." I shrug, my eyes flashing towards Jamal pushing his son around in the small floatie.

"We are goi-" he starts, I accidentally cut him off.

"Why'd you call?" I question, curiously.

"I can't check on my future sister-in-law?" Anthony's voice is teasing and I can't just imagine his expression. He's practically winking at me.

"We are not getting married and I know that's not why you called." I say, staring out the door where Jamal was now carrying Cameron out of the water. I could see Maya now splashing her feet around while she clung onto the large floatie that Emma and Olivia day on. Fernando, Selene, Kyle, and Noah played volleyball across the little kids.

"I promise it is. Also, I just want to know what to get you. My siblings and I want to make you a basket as well for our future nieces and nephews."

"Bottles? I know your Mom bought a bunch of stuff and we literally just had a baby shower." I say. I vaguely remember Maya telling us about a bunch of stuff Sarah had gotten for us.

"Maya told you that? She wasn't supposed to." He laughs.

"Yeah, she basically told us everything you Mom bought. We apperciate it though." I say. We didn't need the help but it was nice to know it was there.

"Okay, well, what are the colors for the nursery?" He questions.

What's with the questions?

"Umm, I was thinking navy blue and white. I gotta check with Alex." I shrug again, looking at Charles sliding open the door and coming into the room I was in. He waved at me before opening the fridge and grabbing a capri-sun.

"Okay. Say less. Great speaking with you, Future sister-in-law. Love you!" Anthony rambles before hanging up. I pull the phone back, trying to forgive out what just happened.

As I stare at my phone, I receive a text.

It was Anthony telling me to save his number.

How did he get my number?

"Why are you just standing there?" Charles ask, swinging his legs as he sits on the counter top. I nod my head towards upstairs before speaking, "My mom wanted you guys to come up to come eat. I can to get you but I got distracted." I explain.

"What's she cooking?"

"I don't know, how about you go upstairs and see." I coax. He jumps off the counter before shaking his wet hair and heading up the stairs.

I slid open the door, blinking back from the heat of the sun.

"Sophia! Did you come to get in?"

"No, it's time for lunch."

It was like a astanpede because immediately, everybody was climbing out of the pool or jogging towards the door that I stood by.

"Excuse me," was all I heard as everybody attempted to push past me. I moved out of the way, waiting for everyone to come through so I can close the door. Maya was the last one to come through, putting her towel, that looked like a hoodie, on.

"Is Daddy back?" Maya asked as she slipped in, allowing me to finally close the door.

"Not yet. I think after lunch he will be."

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