"And if they are the ones who chose to leave, then that's their loss, not yours. If they can't handle you or if they think someone is better for them than you, then you find someone who is better for you than them, someone who would never dream of choosing someone else over you." Liam reached for my hand once he finished saying the things I didn't know I needed to hear.

Without moving my head, I looked to my left where he sat and I smiled a genuine smile at him. I didn't know what to say but I knew that he wasn't expecting an answer, he just wanted to see me understand and realise he was right. And god was he right.

He tapped my knee with his hand as he stood up, asking me to help him cook dinner.

We both entered the kitchen and started pulling out the pots and pans to cook some steak and potato mash, our favourite.

"You have mail by the way." He pointed to the small pile of envelopes on the counter.

I opened the only envelope that was addressed to me and read it before groaning.

To Angelina,

Your guardian/s are invited to participate in a one on one meeting with your teacher/s to update and inform them on your productivity in class.

Below is a list of teachers who wish to meet with your guardian/s:

Mr Walter Loit - Geography
Mrs Peta Mortis - Business
Mrs Evelyn Sed - Math
Mr Harry Styles - History
Mrs Idon Nogh - Music

"Is this supposed to be some sort of a joke?" I grumbled.

Liam looked over at me with confusion. I held the piece of paper up to him.

"A parent and teacher meeting. Harry has requested a meeting." I was so mad. "He knows I don't have any parents who can come to these type of things, yet here he is being an absolute ass."

"Maybe he wants to speak to me about your grades?" Liam thought out loud.

"Harry and I do not have a normal teacher and student relationship, and we just ended things so why would he request to speak with you about my stupid grades? Wouldn't he avoid speaking to the brother of the girl he slept with and then dumped."

"Woah, slept with?" Liam's voice was loud as he spun around, eyes wide, his attention now on me and not the potatoes.

"Oh yeah, big shock, Liam. Grow up." I rolled my eyes.

He shrugged his shoulders and turned back to the potatoes.

We cooked dinner quickly and sat down. Liam was suspiciously quiet for a little while. I wish he stayed that way because what he said next made me choke on my food.

"Did you... you know... use protection?"

I coughed, my eyes must be huge. I sipped my water quickly to push down the rest of the food that was lodged in my throat.

"Um, I feel like I have to ask..." Liam was twirling his fork on his plate awkwardly as he watched it, avoiding eye contact.

"You really don't have to ask." I chuckled to try an ease the awkwardness but it came out more fake than ever before.

Liam visibly sighed with relief and continued to eat his dinner.

We ate the rest of our dinner in silence. We were now washing the dishes.

"What up, bitches?" Sophia called as she walking into the kitchen.

Liam and I both relaxed instantly. We both noticed each other react the same and finally laughed together about the whole situation.

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