twenty five

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hopper, joyce, jonathan, mike, and i rushed into the kitchen to see the others sitting around

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hopper, joyce, jonathan, mike, and i rushed into the kitchen to see the others sitting around.

hopper grabbed a notepad and pencil and sat down at the table.

"what happened?" dustin asked, rushing over to us.

"i think he's talking, just not with words." hopper explained. he wrote the patterns down on the notepad.

"what is that?" steve asked.

"morse code." lucas, dustin, mike, and i answered.

"h-e-r-e." hopper spelled out.

"here." we all said.

"will's still in there. he's talking to us." hopper said, looking up at us.

i stayed in the kitchen with steve, nancy, and the rest of the kids while mike, joyce, jonathan, and hopper went back to the shed. they were going to try to get will to talk to more through morse code.

hopper would give us the patterns through the wallow talkie while lucas and i looked at the key he had given us to find the letter and nancy wrote them down.

after a few minutes, we looked at the notepad to see the words 'CLOSE GATE' written on it.

"close gate." we all said.

suddenly, the phone started ringing and we jumped.

"shit! shit!" dustin panicked as he went over to it to pick it up and hang up again.

it began to ring again, so nancy took it off the wall and threw it on the ground.

"do you think he heard that?" max asked.

"it's just a phone. it could be anywhere, right?" steve said.

jonathan came in carrying will, with joyce and mike behind them.

"he knows where we are." jonathan said quickly before heading towards will's room.

hopper came in with a shotgun and a smaller gun and picked his gun up.

"hey! get away from the windows!" he said.

lucas, max, and mike quickly backed away to stand up.

"do you know how to use this?" hopper asked jonathan as he came into the living room.


"can you use this?" hopper repeated, holding up the shotgun.

"i can." nancy stepped forward. hopper tossed her the shotgun and she loaded it, pointing it towards the windows.

hopper loaded his gun and steve held up his bat. i noticed that lucas was holding up his slingshot.

i stood behind everyone, not knowing exactly what to do.

there was a loud screeching noise in the distance, causing me to jump a little.

"where are they?" joyce asked.

no one answered, we were too focused on trying to find out how far away they were.

i looked over at mike to see him holding up a candle. i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but shook my head. at least he was trying to protect himself.

we watched the door and window, ready to fight whatever came in. there was a loud thud and we all turned to it.

"what are they doing?" nancy asked, breathing heavily.

again, no one answered.

we saw the bushes move a little but they quickly stopped.

there was another loud screeching from the front of the house, so we all turned again.

everyone held their weapons up and i felt my hands getting sweaty.

the screeching began getting louder, but suddenly stopped. all you could hear was all of us breathing heavily.

all of a sudden, a demo-dog crashed through the window and landed in front of us. we all jumped back and i heard lucas scream the loudest.

i stared at the demo-dog in confusion. what happened to it?

"holy shit." dustin whispered as we walked towards it.

"is it dead?" max asked.

hopper touched it with his foot but it didn't move.

we heard the door creak so we all turned. the lock turned quickly and everyone held their weapons up again.

the door opened slowly and a familiar face walked in.

a face i hadn't seen in almost a year.


It Gets Stranger [Stranger Things x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora