sixty five

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"dude, you're taking us the wrong way." steve argues, attempting to take the map out of dustin's hand.

"it's north. i'm positive. i checked the map." dustin says, yanking his hand away while still focusing on his compass.

"you do realize skull rock is, like, a super popular make-out spot?"

"yeah. so?"

"yeah, well it wasn't popular until i made it popular." steve brags.

i accidentally scoff.

"what? you don't believe me? we're heading in the wrong direction." steve starts walking down a different path.

"steve. where are you going?" dustin furrows his eyebrows.

"stop whining! let's go, trust me!" steve waves us over towards him and dustin is hesitant to follow.

i shrug, following steve down the new path and i hear dustin groan loudly behind me.

"if you're leading us the wrong way steve, i swear to god-" dustin complains, but he's cut off by steve's triumphant yell.

"ha! i was right! there she is, henderson. skull rock." he pushes through some stubborn tree branches. "in your face, man. in your stupid, cocky little face."

"it doesn't make sense." dustin shakes his head.

"just admit it, dustin. even with it staring you right in the face, you just can't admit it." i laugh.

"exactly. you just can't admit when you're wrong, you butthead." steve says, staring at the giant rock with his hands on his hips.

i hear someone jump out from behind us. "i concur."

i turn around and see eddie adjusting his clothes. "you, dustin henderson, are a total butthead."

"jesus, eddie. i was so worried about you." i breathe out, pulling him into a big hug. "we thought you were a goner."

he's hesitant to hug me back but when he does, he holds me tightly. "yeah. me too."

the rest of the group catches up to us and lucas drops the bag of snacks in front of eddie.

"finally" eddie sighs, running to grab everything inside the bag. he starts to stuff his face with all the junk food and water the boys had gotten for him.

"we heard what happened with patrick." i blurt out.

eddie looks up. "it was crazy. like, the exact same thing that happened with chrissy."

"yeah. powell was giving a statement when we got to rick's house," dustin explains. "he, uh...gave your name as the main suspect."

eddie is silent for a few seconds, drinking his water.

"uh, when i got to shore after everything had happened, i tried calling you guys, but," he takes another swig from the jug, "my walkie was busted, man. drenched. so, i did the thing that i do now, apparently. i ran."

he looks around at all of us with a big sarcastic smile on his face.

"do you know what time this was? the attack?" nancy asks.

"yeah, no, i- i know exactly what time it was. my walkie wasn't the only thing that got soaked." he takes his watch off and tosses it over to nancy.

nancy examines it for a second and nods. "9:27."

"same time out flashlights went kablooey." robin says.

"which means what exactly?" steve asks, his arms crossed.

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