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"so, did it come?" mike asked excitedly

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"so, did it come?" mike asked excitedly.

mr. clarke's class was always my favorite. not only was he our biology teacher, he was also our av club supervisor. after class, the boys and i had gone up to his desk and waited for everyone to leave.

"sorry kids, i hate to be the bearer of bad news but..." he sighed. i looked around at the boys and they looked disappointed.

"it came!" mr. clarke smiled.

we all rushed to the av room. "the heathkit ham shack. ain't she a beaut?" mr. clarke stood at the door, watching us crowd around it. he was probably trying to make sure we didn't damage it or anything.

"i bet you can talk to new york on this thing!" dustin said, admiring the radio.

"think bigger"

"california?" lucas's eyes lit up.


"australia?" i asked. mr. clarke nodded.

"cool!" the boys and i said to each other and laughed.

"i wish will was here to see this." i sighed.

"oh man, when will sees this, he's totally gonna blow his shit!" lucas exclaimed.

"lucas!" mr. clarke scolded.

"sorry" he apologized before going back to admiring the radio. mike grabbed the microphone.

"ello, this is mike wheeler, president of the hawkins middle school av club!" he says in a really bad australian accent. i take the microphone out of his hands.

"g'day mate! this is y/n munson, co-president of the hawkins middle school av club!" i giggled as dustin took the microphone.

"hello, this is dustin henderson, secretary and treasurer of the hawkins middle school av club! do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?!" he said in a goofy australian accent.

lucas took the microphone, ready for his turn, but we were interrupted by principal coleman stepping into the room.

"sorry to interrupt," he said, "but can i borrow michael, dustin, lucas, and y/n?"

we walked to the principals office and sat on a small couch across from two police officers.

"we regret to inform you that as of this morning, will byers is missing." the younger one said.

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