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"why is no one else wearing costumes?" dustin asks

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"why is no one else wearing costumes?" dustin asks.

we look at the kids getting off the bus. they were wearing normal clothes.

"crap." mike mutters.

we walked through the halls together while everyone pointed and laughed.

"when do people make these decisions?" will asked. "everyone dressed up last year."

"it's a conspiracy, i'm telling you." dustin said.

"just be cool." mike said.

"who you gonna call? the nerds!" a boy yelled.

"that wasn't even clever!" i yelled back.

"yes it was." lucas mumbled.

"i know."

when we were at our lockers, dustin, lucas, and i watched as max rode her skateboard down the hall.

"we gonna do this?" dustin asked.

"not right now, we look like morons." lucas sighed.

"no we don't." i smiled.

"yeah, okay." lucas made a face.

"maybe she likes ghostbusters" i smiled at him.

"of course she likes ghostbusters, but that's not the point." lucas huffed, "the point is, we're dressed up and she isn't."

"i didn't bring regular clothes, did you guys?" dustin asks.

"dustin, if i had brought regular clothes, i'd be changing out of this shit right now." i say.

"then we have no choice. we gotta do this. it's now or never." dustin said.

"right." lucas agreed.

"let's engage." we were about to go to max but she shuts her locker and starts walking away.

"we could ask her after class." dustin said.

"yup." lucas said, quickly.


we turned back to our lockers, grabbed our books, and made our way to homeroom.

after homeroom, the boys and i tried to talk to max again.

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