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The wedding was a few weeks away and Shinichi had never RSVP'd either way. Taka continued assuming it was a no, but Toru decided to go pay a visit to Shinichi and talk to him. He thought about phoning in advance, but decided to just show up.
“Hello Moriuchi-san” Toru said as Shinichi opened the door.
Shinichi smiled at Toru and let him in, offering him tea. Toru declined, partly out of fear he'd be poisoned.
“So, what can I do for you today?” Shinichi asked as Toru sat on the couch. “How's the band doing?”
“Band's doing well. We're gonna film a music video in LA in a few weeks” Toru responded as Shinichi nodded. “Are you also going to go to LA in a few weeks?”
“I will be, actually. I have an old friend who's living there. I'm going to go see him. I believe I will be there from the 12th to the 17th” Shinichi responded as Toru looked up.
“So you'll be in LA for your eldest son's wedding?” Toru asked as he sat back with crossed arms.
“I leave that morning, actually. And I do not believe my eldest son is getting married, unless you have something to tell me. Because you will never be recognised as his husband in this country” Shinichi responded as he also sat back.
“Maybe not in this country. But we spend a lot of time in America. Our marriage is recognised there, and in Canada, UK, Australia… do I need to list more countries for you?” Toru responded as he sat up. “What about when the inevitable happens, and it is legalised in Japan? And you realise you've missed your son's wedding? Taka always looked up to you, it'd be unfortunate if your relationship with your son was in tatters just because you don't like his husband”
Shinichi didn't respond as Toru got up to leave, “I'll reserve a seat for you”. Toru then left the house and drove back to his own house.

When Toru arrived back home, he found the cars of Tomoya and Hiro in the driveway. He walked in and shouted hello but Tomoya ran downstairs and told him to leave.
“I'm not leaving, this is my house” Toru laughed as he put his slippers on.
“We're planning the bachelor's party, go see Ryota. Maybe he has some planning to do” Tomoya nodded.
“Isn't Hiro supposed to be planning that on his own without Taka's help?” Toru responded as he went to the kitchen to get himself a beer.
“Taka wouldn't let him plan it on his own. Said he didn't trust Hiro's planning ability” Tomoya laughed.
“Well. I'm not leaving, I'm just gonna watch some tv. I'll leave you three alone” Toru responded before heading to the tv room. He debated telling Taka his dad was going to be in LA at the same time as his wedding, but wasn't sure if that would make Taka feel worse.
Tomoya passed by Toru on his way upstairs and Toru stopped him, “can you tell Hiro to come downstairs? I need to talk with him without Taka”
Tomoya nodded as he went upstairs to fetch Hiro.
“You wanted to speak to me?” Hiro asked as he cautiously sat beside Toru.
“Why do you look so scared of me?” Toru laughed as he took a sip of beer. Hiro laughed nervously in response. “Do you want beer? Why are you so nervous?”
“No I'm good. What did you want?” Hiro asked.
“I need advice. I just got back from seeing your dad” Toru started. “I haven't even told Taka that's where I was. I just wanted to know if he had come to a decision on the wedding. And he said he was going to be in LA on the day of our wedding. Did you know that?” Toru asked.
“Yea… I wasn't sure if I should tell Taka or not. It might be harder to accept dad not being there if he was in the same city…” Hiro responded.
“Damnit. I was hoping you were going to give me advice on whether or not to tell him…” Toru sighed as he drank more beer.
“I don't know what to do about any of it. I'm leaning against it” Hiro admitted.
“I'm leaning for it… last time I met with a parent secretly I got accused of cheating and he spent the night in some forest. I still haven't managed to figure out where his special forest is. Or any forest in Tokyo for that matter” Toru laughed.
“It's probably the one off the highway” Hiro responded, earning a confused look from Toru. “It's kinda in the outskirts… Taka used to run away to it nightly. He probably spent more nights in that god awful forest than at our house during his teenage years. Of course if you tell him I know about the forest I'll murder you” Hiro threatened.
“I'll call you if he ever runs away again then” Toru laughed, “in the meantime, go ask him to come down here. I'll tell him about his dad's travel plans”
Hiro nodded and went upstairs and Taka came down a few minutes later.
“Hey” Toru said as he patted his lap to invite Taka on it.
“We're not saving sex when my brother's upstairs” Taka laughed as he sat next to Toru.
“I was inviting you to cuddle so we could talk, but, I'd kinda prefer to have sex than have this conversation” Toru laughed awkwardly.
Taka sat down with his butt between the armrest and Toru, his legs curled up on the other side of Toru.
Toru stroked Taka's back under his shirt for a few moments before he began speaking, “I went to see your dad today”
Taka looked up at Toru, “why?”
“I wanted to know if he was coming to our wedding” Toru responded.
“And is he?” Taka asked with wide eyes.
Toru sighed, “I don't know. He's going to be in LA. But apparently he claims he's leaving the morning of our wedding” Toru informed Taka.
“Yea, he's visiting a friend or something. His friend mentioned it to me…” Taka admitted.
“Wait. You already knew?” Toru asked.
Taka sighed heavily before answering. “He wanted to know if I was going to be in LA at the time, and the three of us could go out for dinner. I said I wouldn't be able to make it since I'd be busy with the band”
Toru pulled Taka closer to his chest and hugged him tightly as Taka cried into his shoulder.

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