Chapter 25

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"I'm sorry. Dad said you wouldn't let us drop by like this if he was with us..." Hiro admitted.
"Ah, it's fine. Um. Yes. Welcome" Taka said as they entered. "Have you guys had dinner yet?"
"Yea" Hiro responded as they stood around.
"I'll make you guys some tea. Uh, follow me to the kitchen" Taka said as he prayed Toru would keep his parents occupied upstairs.
"Oh, Toru, you said it was just Taka over tonight" his mom said as they were walking down the stairs.
Toru and Taka looked at each other.
"Isn't this your house, Taka?" Shinichi asked as Taka looked around nervously.
"Wanna go talk in the kitchen on our own Toru?" Taka asked.
"Let's just talk in the family room with everyone" Toru said as he dragged Taka. "Let's just tell them"

"So whose house is this?" Shinichi asked as they all sat down.
"We both own it" Taka responded as he sat on the floor beside Toru.
"Like roommates? Why do you need a roommate? Is the band not doing well financially?" Shinichi asked.
Taka could feel himself getting nervous. Him and Toru were both sitting on the ground on the opposite side of the table from their families. He felt Toru's hand on top of his hand.
"Toru isn't my roommate, per se..." Taka started, getting looks from both their families.
"You live together, that is what a roommate is" Shinichi pointed out.
"yes, but, he's not a real roommate. Toru is um..." Taka felt everyone staring at him.
"Taka and I are in a relationship" Toru said as he noticed Taka stumbling over his words.
"A relationship?" repeated Shinichi. 
"yea" Taka and Toru smiled at each other.
"But you're both men..." Shinichi started.
Taka began to feel uncomfortable. The look on his dad's face said it all.
"Dad..." Hiro started
"No. Do you know how dumb this is? Moving in with some man? That you claim to be in a relationship with? The tabloids will be all over this. How stupid are you Takahiro. You worked so hard for your band. And you're going to throw it all away for a fling with your guitarist? Your mom will be so disappointed in you. She wants grandkids more than anything, and you're going to just throw away the life you could have to live with some man?" Shinichi said, with no regard for Toru's parents being beside him.
"Dad maybe you should cool off" Tomohiro said calmly.
"No, Tomohiro. I will mot sit by as my eldest son goes and throws away his life for some fantasy world of him and Toru actually making it long term"
Taka could feel the tears streaming down his face. He wanted to punch his dad. He wanted to bolt upstairs, to the bedroom him and Toru shared together.
"how long have you even been 'dating' for?" Shinichi asked using air quotes.
"A year and a half" Toru said calmly.
"A year and a half, Takahiro? You've wasted 18 months of your life with a man? I'm ashamed" and with that Shinichi got up and left. Toru got up to go follow him, hoping to stand up for his boyfriend but he felt Taka pull on his arm preventing him from up and leaving.
Taka removed his arm and put himself into fetal position as he sobbed in front of his brothers, in front of Toru's parents, in front of Toru. Taka couldn't stop shaking when he felt Toru put an arm around him.
He sat there for a few minutes, comforted by his boyfriend's hug.
"oh, Taka..." he heard Toru's mom say as she got up to hug Taka.
"He'll calm down eventually. Just give him some time, Taka. He does love you, and he's proud of you. He's just in shock" Hiro said as he sat down next to Taka. Taka ruffled his little brother's hair and gave him a hug. Even though his dad had just cursed him to hell, he did feel loved. By his brothers, by Toru's parents and by Toru.
"Does anyone want wine? I want wine after that..." Toru said as he got up.

That night they set up Toru's parents in one spare room, and Taka's brothers in the two other separate spare rooms.
Taka and Toru got ready for bed and then laid in bed. Toru put his arm around Taka, who was staring at the ceiling thinking of his dad.
"Get some sleep, Taka" Toru said as he noticed Taka was staring into space.
"What if my dad leaks it to the papers?" asked Taka, turning to face his boyfriend.
"He wouldn't do that to you, Taka" responded Toru, stroking his boyfriend's cheek.
"He was so angry. Maybe he did it spur of the moment, as a way to spite me and to break us up" Taka tried to push those thoughts out of his head as he snuggled up to his boyfriend and fell asleep.

Soooooorry, it's gonna have a happy ending, but, wouldn't it be (sadly) unrealistic if everyone was just, "oh ok cool" 

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