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This is gonna be between Janis' POV and Loki's POV so there's a lot of different thoughts all middle up in here. Also if you read the last chapter in my Avengers Chat Room story, you read something very interesting ;) Comment and review please! I like the feedback. /(^3^)\

~Fairfarren all

Janis' POV

Falling, falling, falling. It felt like an eternity. Why? Why couldn't it end? Maybe I already died and I'm in limbo, I thought. I could feel my heart squeezing as my emotions bubbled to the surface. Loki, Loki, Loki! I felt tears fly past me. I love you Loki. No matter who says we can't be together, no matter what you say, I will always love you. In my heart, Loki was my hero. Maybe if I die, no one will be able to match Loki and he'll escape, I thought. I know that my not be the best idea, but I would never want anyone locked up like that. Not even the most evil villain in the world.

Loki's POV

I felt it. That snap, that gut feeling that something wasn't right. What could make my heart plummet and sink to the bottom of who knows where. I snapped my head up and stood. I shouted to the camera in the corner, "I need to speak with Agent Romanov...alone" I knew they were listening so I paced back and forth across the room. What was wrong with me? I was physically okay, but my insides were burning. A couple minuets later, I saw the red-headed spy approaching. She looked worried, which would have amused me if I didn't feel like this right now.

She said, "What is it Loki? I'm in a hurry."

"What could it possibly be?" I asked with my ears perking up.

She looked coldly at me and said, "If you must know, your little girlfriend has disappeared." There was a stab right at my heart. Janis? Gone? How? We were on a ship thousands and thousands of mile from the ground!

My heart skipped a beat as I asked, "Natasha Romanov, let me out of this cell."

Her mouth hung open and her eyes shone with genuine shock as she said, "W-what? Why the heck would I ever do that?" She crossed her arms challenging me.

I said as calmly as I could, "Janis needs my help."

Her eyebrows furrowed and said, "Well, if she's in trouble then we can just-"

"No!" I snarled, "I have to help her now!"

Unfazed by my threatening voice she said, "Or what?"

I don't know how or why this answer came to me, but I said, "Because she will die." We both looked stunned at my words. I knew a lot of things, but I was no fortune teller. I could see the gears in her head, trying to think of what to do.

She finally asked, "Why should I trust you?" That was an excellent question. Why should she? I'm her enemy. I made her love turn evil and nearly killed them both. Why should she trust me. Then I thought of something crazy. So crazy, I wasn't sure if I believed it myself. But deep down, I know I did.

I took a deep breath and said, "You have to trust me because...I love her."

Janis' POV

It felt like an eternity. I just wish it would stop. I started to reflect on my life. Nothing much. Just an ordinary girl with an ordinary life until two spies come through the window. Then she is changed forever. Making new friends and discovering new powers, she fell in love with the most evil villain in the world. But it was a mistake in everyone's eyes except for hers. How blind she had been to think someone could change. False hope was what she had. Plus a broken heart. Now she was about to die. She couldn't take the feeling, the pressure. She wasn't ready for this life. Not yet.

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