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Sorry for the wait! Just watched Beauty and the Beast and it reminded me of Loki and Janis! So here it is!

Loki's POV

One moment I'm trapped with Janis. The mortals were pursuing us. Then, everything happened so fast I...I...

She sacrificed herself. For me. A man who had caused so much harm and destruction. I love her and I know she loves me...but I never thought she would make a sacrifice like that...for me. Her sweet kiss still lingered. It was as if her taste was permanently stuck on my lips.

I looked around. It was one of the remote islands Janis talked about. Small waves rolled up on the rocky beach. Birds screeched above me as I studied my surroundings. In the distance, I saw the Statue of Liberty, a popular site that mortals liked to see.

I yelled at the sky and punched a rock. It split in two. What was I going to do? No doubt she changed to look like me. I do have the element of surprise. But what if they torture her? Try to get her to confess to something and she can't provide the answer? What if Thor tries to read her a bed time story!? I stood horrified by the thought. I must save her. But how? I had no idea where the SHIELD base was. Finding it was going to be a pain in the-

Just then over head a large WOOSH sound and a big gust of wind past through. I looked up and saw the poor excuse for an invisibility shield. Mortals.

I'm coming for you Bakely.

Janis' POV

Waking up in a prison with no visible doors or windows is pretty bad. But being in there with a furious Tony Stark is even worse. My hands were bound by some sort of strange black box. Tony stood in front of me with his arms crossed and almost-yellow brown eyes glowing with rage. I was honestly afraid of Tony when he got angry. It wasn't his usual easy going attitude. So when he was pissed, he was really pissed. I wished I could tell him it was just me, but I was wanted too. Still, I missed the Avengers.

I tried to copy Loki's bored, cocky look. I'm pretty sure I hit it spot on because Tony became even more angry. After the tense silence that filled the room, Tony finally said coldly, "You know...not many people can piss me off. Sure some can irritate me or annoy me...but never really piss me off. Then I met you and everything changed. Who the HELL do you think you are?! She LOVED you! And I'm saying it in past tense because it would really blow my mind if she still loves you after all that you've done. God I just want to punch you in the face. You're a sick, sadistic bastard Loki. Just wanted to let you know that." He then stormed out of the room. I just stood there, open mouthed, shocked. I had never seen him like this. I mean...THE Tony Stark was on the brink of tears! A part of me felt an overwhelming panic that if Tony was this upset, something horrible is going to happen. But the other part felt extremely touched at how sad and angry he was. I never thought he would miss me. I wondered how the rest of the team felt. I was so new and so inexperienced that I didn't even think that they would miss me. Maybe running away with Loki was a bad idea...

No, you've had the best times of your life on the run with him. It's not your fault he's the bad guy. Why, oh why did I have to fall in love with him? Out of all the people in the world, I had to fall in love with a guy not of this world. Some people might say I have it lucky, meeting the man of my dreams. But honestly...all this craziness and makes you long for the normal. I sometimes find myself daydreaming about my room and my school and my regular routine before it was disrupted by magic and super powers and love. Sometimes it make me sad when I think that I can never ever go back to that told life. But then I think of the ever growing love for my Loki and I realize just how amazing I have it. Even if it costs me some pain.

Suddenly, the door opened again and two SHIELD agents came in. Their faces were rough and blank. I raised an eyebrow, confused. What were they doing here? Suddenly one of them moved and said, "It is time for your interrogation." Theythen both grabbed me by the arms and roughly pushed me out my cell, not hesitating.

I took a deep breath and said, "Interrogation?"

One guard actually smiled and said, " might come as a "shock" to you..." I could suddenly sense the lightning storm approaching, tasting the metal in my mouth. We then walked into a room where a chair hooked up with some wires that connect to...Thor's hammer. Little bolts of lightning flickered out. They strapped me in, being extra careful.

After leaving, Director Fury came in and said, "Well hello again Loki. Shall we begin our shock therapy?"

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