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Hello y'all! In this chapter, it's all Janis' dream and how she kinda meets Loki. I also want to thank BodiesInTheStreets for giving me this wonderful idea! I hear she's making her first story so check her out!

~Fairfarren all

Janis' POV

It was cold. So cold. I opened my eyes to see falling snow. It was strange because I could see each design of every snowflake. I sat up seeing that all around me was just hills and hills of snow. My breath clung to the air as I curled myself into a ball to try to warm myself up. Trying to keep in the heat is the best way to stay alive. After what seemed like hours, I finally saw something. No, someone. It was a man. He wasn't big, but built in his own way. He walked with grace and purpose. Just one look and I knew who it was. I sprung up and raced towards him, not caring if my feet ached and my lungs burned. I had to see him again. He saw me approach closer and started to run too. I laughed as we embraced and I stared at the most hypnotizing eyes. I was finally with my Loki. He stroked the back of my hair as I buried my face in his neck. He smelled like a chilly breeze. We pulled apart and I tried lean in and kiss him, but he held me back gently. "No, my love. When our lips touch, I wish for it to be real." He said with care. I nodded and understood, but then I remembered Thor.

I held his shoulders and said, "Why did you do it Loki? Why would you hurt your own brother?" I could feel the tears coming again, but I forced them down. He stoked my face and looked at me with sad eyes.

He said quietly, "I don't know Janis. I just feel so furious at my adoptive father and my loved brother that I can't seem to control myself when I'm around them. Then I feel as though everyone hates me...which they probably do. It is a vicious cycle that I live my sweet Janis." It was so sad, seeing him this way. Loki was just misunderstood. But what if he's lying to you? I countered to myself. What if he's just using you to get to SHIELD?

I couldn't think of that though. He just was so innocent. I cupped his face in my hands and said, "I love you."

His eyes widened and he whispered, "What?"

I swallowed and said again with more confidence, "I love you. I don't care what anyone else says. Even if you do horrible things I will still love you. At first I was afraid of loving you. Everyone talked about how evil you were and how you deserved to be locked up. And I believed them. But then I dreamed about you and got to understand you. Now I realize that you just want to be loved. So I'm telling you now, Loki of Asgaurd, that I love you no matter what." I saw my words effect him as tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

"Thank you Janis," He said thickly, "But I do not think the Avengers will be this kind." His eyes looked down, but I made him look at me.

"Hey, everything will be okay in the end. I promise." I told him. I didn't know why I made a promise that I was pretty sure that I couldn't keep, but it seemed to make him feel better.

He smiled a sweet smile, not an evil smile which was nice for a change, and said, "I love you too." I smiled, but then noticed that it was getting harder to see. I guess my time was up. Loki noticed it to, so he kissed my forehead and said, "Until next time my love." Then he faded away.

My eyes snapped open and I saw that I was alone in my room. Nat must've left when I passed out. Oh God, Nat, I thought. I sighed as I rolled over on my back. She's probably signing the papers to kick me off the team. The thought made me feel miserable. I had just found out that I had super powers and I was probably going to have my mind erased. I made myself get up and check the time. It was dark out and my suspicions were confirmed when I saw that it was 9:30. I had a feeling that I wasn't going to get much sleep. I figured since I was in trouble already, I might as well explore some more. I walked out into the hallway and sensed that there was someone here. I went down the hallway and peeked around the corner. What I saw made my jaw drop. It was Nat and Clint, but they weren't talking and joking around. They were doing quite the opposite really. Clint had Nat tight around the waist with his lips crushed against hers. I smiled. Maybe if I couldn't become a full Avenger, I'll run a match-making business, I thought. Nat looked so happy. Like everything was right in the world. Seeing them made me happt and sad at the same time. It reminded me of Loki. I was so absorbed in the moment that I didint notice Tony Stark sneaking up behind me. "Well it's about time." He murmmured in my ear. I jumped and would've yelped if he hadn't put his hand over my mouth. I spun around and hit him in the arm. "Ow..." He mouthed. I motioned for us to walk down the hall. As quietly as we could, we tip toed down the hallway and around the right corner. He started to laugh as soon as we were in the clear.

"Don't scare me like that! Do you know what they would've done if they caught us?" I shouted at him. He just kept laughing and leaned up against the wall.

"You know, Jan," He started, "I've been trying to get those two together for the past year! What's your secret?"

I smirked and said, "Sorry, my lips are sealed."

He made an exasperated sigh and said, "Damn, you're just like Nat! Lips glued shut." I laughed at his distress.

Trying to make conversation I asked, "So how's Pepper?" He gave me a crooked smile.

"I tried to do something nice, make her breakfast. Then I forgot she was allergic to strawberries. Want one?" He asked as he pulled out a strawberry from his pocket. I shrugged and popped it in my mouth. He crossed his arms and said, "So what's up with you and Loki?"

"WHAT?" I exclaimed, choking on the berry.

He played with the piece of gum in his mouth and said, "Yeah I've known since the fourth night you stayed here. I planted a bug in your room and I just heard you muttering his name in your sleep. Then when little miss smooch-in-the-hallway figured it out, I knew. So where did you meet him? In the mall? Back of a movie theater?" He sounded like he was teasing me, which was not what I expected.

"We've never really met and why aren't you mad?" I asked him.

He rolled his eyes and said, "A: That's wierd and B: Because I feel sorry for you." I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Tony...what do you mean you're sorry for me?" I asked him.

He sighed and said, "You'll find out tomorrow. God I hate Fury so much!" I was surprise to see the sudden anger in his voice. But he calmed down and said, "Just go to your room, get some rest, try to think of nice things like ponies and rainbows."

I gave him the are-you-kidding-me look and said, "Just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean that I like those things, Stark!"

"Sleep tight, Bakely!" He called out as he walked away. I shook my head and turned around. I walked back to my room and looked out the window. I saw my reflection. What if I...

I had seen his face before so many times that it was easy to change into Loki. I had slick back hair and thin lips. I laughed and I heard that it was his voice. I started to say things like, "Kneel before me!" and "I am Loki, the God of Mischeif!" and "Oh Janis, you're so lovely."

I was just about to say something when I heard Tony's voice say, "For the love of God Janis, I can hear you!" I suddenly remembered the bug and changed back into myself.

My cheeks burned and I said, "Sorry Tony." He made a huff and said nothing else. I slumped down on my bed and buried myself in the pillow. By some miracle, I fell asleep. And I didn't get a single dream.

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