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Hey guys! Wow 100 reads!!! Thanks so much for reading and tell your friends! This is going to be a lot of Janis and a little bit of agent Romanov.

~Fairfarren all

Janis' POV

I felt destroyed. Torn. Like my heart was filled with pain. I ran to my room when I was out of sight from...him. It was stupid. Stupid to fall for the god of freaking evil! I should've listened to Natasha and just stayed away. But no. I had to be an idiot. I flopped on the bed and cried for everything. My knew life, my strange powers, my heart that was broken. Everything. He probably doesn't care, I thought, He is probably laughing at my pain. I blew it and I am sure Loki is going to do something horrible. His revenge will be much more horrible for the Avengers now that I screwed everything up. Fury told me to check out the new prisoner, but how was I supposed to know that Loki would be there?

I suddenly saw all the pieces put together. Fury knew that I was in love with Loki, so he captured him. Then he brought us together and knew that Loki would freak when he knew I was part of SHIELD. But why? I thought.

"Fury wanted to break him." I shot up and saw Nat standing in the doorway with arms crossed and eyes expressionless.

I wiped some stray tears away and said, "Oh, I guess that makes sense..."

She sat next to me and said, "I'm sorry."

I sniffed and said, "It's okay. It wasn't like we could ever be together anyway..."

She pursed her lips that said, "You know...I never thought I could be with Clint. We hated each other at first. It wasn't until Fury made us work on a lot of missions and we got to know each other. Clint and I, we promised that we would keep things professional. But then promises can be broken..." She grinned playfully at me and I have her a small smile back. She continued, "I loved Clint. I loved him so much that it kept me up at night, but I thought he didn't love me back. So I kept him in the friend-zone and waited. But I didn't realize that it took two to make it work. Do you understand?" I stated at her totally lost. She smiled sadly and said, "Ah well, you'll learn when your older." She stood up and said, "I gotta go meet Clint in the training room. Try to get some sleep." I nodded and threw the covers over me. I heard her turn off the light and the door slide shut. It felt so quiet in the room. The only sound was the low hum of the propellers. I wonder if I'll have any dreams tonight, I thought.

I tried to cry, but I had no more tears. I was empty. The thought depressed me even more and I snuggled tighter into the pillow. There was no way I was going to sleep. I swung me feet off the side and sat with my head in my hands. What am I going to do? I thought. Like lightning, a plan zapped into my head. It was tricky, but worth a shot. I imagined Tony with his tan skin and cocky stance. I stood in front of the mirror and thought of Tony. After five seconds, I opened my eyes and saw Tony Stark in the mirror instead of Janis Bakely. I smiled, proud of myself. I was getting good at changing fast. I realized that I was still wearing my pj's so I changed into a black sabbath tee that I stole from Tony and jeans that fit, but where really tight. I practices walking and talking like Tony. When I felt like I got it down, I walked out of the room and made a right. If memory serves...aha! I thought as I turned down the hallway of Loki's prison. He was just sitting there smiling, which was weird. I took a deep breath and pressed the microphone button. "Hey Loki." I tried to say casually.

Loki opened his eyes and said, "Hello Tony Stark. I see that you still have that Arch Reactor in your chest." He stood and stared at me with those green piercing eyes. Oh God, he's beautiful, I thought.

I tried not to stare as I said, "So I heard you had your first fight with your girlfriend."

Loki chuckled and said, "I was never with that mortal."

This made me shatter, but I pressed on, "Well, that wasn't what she told me." He looked a little uncomfortable for a second, but soon masked it with boredom.

"Oh please go on and tell me the girls dreams." He said droning.

I shrugged and said, "She said something about a snowy field I think. Then...you came?" He blushed a little on his pale cheeks.

"She is obviously making this up. Maybe she wishes to be with me! I am handsome after all." He said, trying to change the subject.

I laughed a little and said, "She could be...but the thing is, Janis didn't. I know because Nat interviewed her. We all know Janis isn't a great liar so she couldn't have gotten past Nat. So you tell me God of Mischief, were you in love with her?" Loki's eyes were locked on mine and his jaw was clenched.

He came up very close to me and said quietly, "Why do you care?"

"Because no one deserves to have their heart broken like that." I said a bit angry. I saw his face soften in defeat and I knew I got him.

He was about to say, "I-"

When I heard someone say, "I look so hot from behind. Hi Janis. Hello Loki." I turned and saw the real Tony Stark walking up to us. I turned back to a hurt and furious looking Loki. I changed back and felt the clothes sag on me. Tony Stark, making things awkward as always. I felt Loki's eyes throw daggers at my back. It hurt oh so much. Tony said casually, "C'mon Jan, there's a meeting going on."

I nodded and walked away from Loki without looking back. I had to do this. Separate from him as much as possible. No more disguising myself. Tony led me to the Main Room where all the Avengers were sitting. I could see Clint rubbing Natasha's back in comfort as she bit her lip in contemplation. Bruce looked a little bored playing with his glasses and Steve stared at the ceiling twiddling his thumbs. Thor was sitting with his face on the table and on occasion, moaned. The Avengers looked worried. That's when you know you're in trouble.

Fury saw me and said, "Agent Bakely, you have an assignment." This caught hold of everyone's attention. I was shocked. There was no way I could have an assignment. I was too knew...too young! I barely know how to use my powers yet.

It was Natasha who spoke, "Sir, are you kidding? Janis is in no way, shape, or form able to do that assignment. Why can't you just send Banner in?" 

Bruce smiled and said, "Yeah, I'd like to beat him up again." 

Confused I asked, "Beat who up again? What are you guys talking about?" 

Fury paced around the room and said, "The assignment...is Loki. He is our number one enemy and must be stopped. Loki has challenged SHIELD and we will certainly answer it. I was going to send Bruce in, but...you seemed like a better option." I could feel myself start to shake. This couldn't be happening. They wanted me to defeat Loki? No. No, no, no, no, no. 

I gulped and said, "Sir...does that mean...eliminating him?" Thor moaned again. 

Fury said, "Why yes. What else do you think it means Agent Bakely?" That was the last straw. I couldn't do this. I spun around and ran as fast as I could out the door. I didn't know where I was going, but it had to be away from there. I found the balcony that Thor fell on and stopped. I slowly walked up to it. Maybe if I fall, the heart ache won't hurt anymore, I thought. Loki's image would be burned in my mind forever and everyone was trying to keep me apart from him. It felt like someone just punched me in the gut and knocked the wind right out of me. Never together, I thought. He doesn't want you, I remembered. I inhaled deeply, closed my eyes and let myself fall off the balcony.

Narator's POV

And at that very moment, Loki felt like he just lost something. Something important. He couldn't explain it, but it almost felt like his heart stopped beating for just one second.

Okay I know I said last time that there will be a battle of epicness, but I just couldn't write it yet. But it will probably be in the next chapie. Also, comment and review please! I don't know if my story sucks or not if you don't tell me! I will be writing new chapters for my other stories soon. 

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