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Hello fellow Avenger fans! This chapeter is all from Loki's perspective so bare with me when I try to speak in that old english. I am also trying to make a book trailer for this so I'm going to be doing that for a little bit, but I'm sure that won't stop me from writing!

~Fairfarren all 

Loki's POV

   The undergrounds of New York City had been my home for the past three days and I was surprised that SHIELD hasn't found me yet...or their precious Avengers. Oh how I wished to rule this earth and watch my brother fall into dispare as I destroy all that he loves. But I must be patient and wait for them to come to me. I still had my scepter, but there was little magic left so I could only use it one more time until I found a suitable charger. Patients. Time and patients were on my side. I'm sure that by then SHIELD was alerted by Thor and the Asgaurdian jailers that I had made my escape. The rats in this city pitied me. They knew what it was like to be neglected. I was lead to the sewers where I regained my health and they fed me mortal food. Once I reached my full power, I will rise again. I didn't have an army this time, but I did find this worlds weakness. All the nine realms need something. A resource of some sort. It was funny how this world was so delicate. All I needed to do was wait for the exact moment to do it.

   I shifted myself on the floor as I laid down to rest. The past few nights, my dreams have been tormented by a face. A face that could not compare to any in the whole universe. Her hair felt soft and was as brown as what mortals call it, "chocolate." The touch of her skin on mine made me shiver in delight. Those sweet brown eyes that bore into mine...it's too much to take. The maiden's name is Janis, but that is all I know of her.

   Then I kill her.

   It's an accident, but watching her fall at my hand made my heart feel as though it is splitting in two. I would stay with her until an explosion happens and the whole world goes black. I wake and lay on the ground, wondering who this girl is and why I have this aching desire to see her. I am Loki, the God of Mischieve, doomsday bringer, the master of lies. I feel no love for anyone. Not my adoptive father or mother. Not my brother, nor his friends. I can't feel love. I just couldn't...

   I stood up, not wanting to stand still any longer. I walked deeper into the sewers until a brick wall stopped me. A hole above me showed the moon and the quietness of the empty street at night. I sighed and looked down. The water reflected my face and I smiled. I remembered when I was a child, carefree and happy. Then I frowned, knowing that those days are over. I leaned back against the wall and twiddled my thumbs as I thought of my plan. Then I saw a dark figure reflecting in the water. I looked up at the sky and saw something massive heading directly for me. I tied to run, but it crashed right on my body. I moaned as I tried to wipe the dust from my eyes. The figure picked me up by my shirt collar and pinned me up against the wall. I could see now that it was a man with blond hair and stormy blue eyes. I smiled and said, "Well hello brother."

   Thor said angrily, "Loki, why have you come back? Haven't you caused enough suffering in this realm?!?"

   I laughed and said, "Dear brother, don't you see? I want revenge. Revenge on you and whatever or whoever you love. And it seems that Earth is the only way to make you fall. By the way, how is that mortal that you fell in love with? Ah yes! Jane Foster. Maybe I should start with her..." This hit his nerve and he threw me to the other side of the wall. It cracked and I felt an enormous amount of pain as I sunk to the ground.

   He knelt down and said, "If you dare to touch her you will rue the day you were born!"

   "I already do." I muttered under my breath. Thor studied me carefully for a moment.

  "Loki...there is something different about you. Like there is something in your eyes that are almost...kind." Thor said confused.

   This made me angry and I said, "I am not KIND! I bring fear wherever I go! I show no pity or mercy to anyone!" I grit my teeth together in frustration as my brother evaluated me. I shoved him away. How dare say something like that to me! I wasn't kind, I was evil! Pure, pure evil.

   Thor asked quietly, "Brother...are you in love?" I snapped and struck him across the face. He fell to the ground and coughed. I kicked him the stomach and he curled up in a ball. I was about to smash his head with my scepter until I thought of an idea.

   I lifted Thor up and whispered harshly in his ear, " You tell the SHIELD to send their best warrioir to challenge me. If they come with the rest of your memebers, I will comence my plan to destroy the Earth. Understand you blundering fool?" Thor nodded and I shoved him away.

   As I walked back to my temporary home, I heard Thor get up and say, "Brother, whoever this girl is...she is lucky to have you." Then I heard his hammer fly and he was gone. My brother's last words haunted me as I laid down to sleep again. She is lucky to have me? Luck is the last thing she has. Before I drifted back under, I thought that if I did destroy the Earth, I would find and save the girl in my dreams. "Janis..." I sighed.

Who will be the warrior to challenge Loki?! What is his plan to destroy the world? How will Janis react when she hears the challenge from Loki? Stay with me and find out in the next update!  

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