She she have no right to do that, not even if she is with you. Her being your girlfriend doesn't give her that right.. not today, not tomorrow, NOT EVER. So I suggest you control her or I will kill her if I so much see her looking at Jr the wrong way. You hear me?

*I say the last part looking at her with so much hatred as I start walking in her direction. She just stands there with her arms crossed and looking at her nails not bothered at all.

-Darla: We aren't even sure if that child is Christian's son.

*She smirks.

-Me: Bitch, I will take your eyes out.

*I say lunching at her, but at that moment Christian grabs me by my arm and proceed to stand in between us.

-Christian: Stop it.

*He say looking at us both. I take my arm out of his hand and glare at him.

-Christian: Darla we will not go threw this again, let's be very clear about something here. Christian Jr is my son, anyone with eyes can see that. So I don't wanna hear any insinuations that he's not or anything about that matter anymore. Am I making myself clear?

*He says with authority, Darla nods and looks down. I low key laugh at her.

-Christian: Now I'm gonna put some things straight.. you Darla, you will respect my son and Natasha too.

*That took me by surprise, because when he said that I looked at him surprised, Darla looks up at him as surprised as I was then she looks my way throwing daggers with her eyes.

-Darla: I understand about respecting your son, but why should I do the same with her? You are not with her anyway.. so why should I?

*She says looking at me as if I were nothing, as if I am less than her. Really bitch? Unbelievable.

-Christian: Because she is the mother of my son Darla, and because I say so. It's an order.

*He says serious. Then I start thinking.. because I'm the mother your son, just because of that? Nothing else? I'm nothing to you anymore.. good to know.

-Christian: And.. me and you are not happening again. We are not together.

*He says the last part looking at me.. as if to reassure me. Then he turns his face back to Darla.

-Christian: What happened the other day was a mistake, I'm sorry.

-Darla: I don't see why we can't be together.. or at least have some fun together. You can't denie that you enjoyed our intercourse the other night. Are you gonna denie it?

I know for sure that you did like it. Your moanings and the way your body reacted to me to my touch, showed me that you were enjoying it very much.

*She says smiling while looking triumphant at me. I try so hard to not let my emotions get the best of me, so I play hard and tried to look indifferent at her words.

-Me: I think I'm gonna puke, talk about your sex life when I'm not here.

*I say looking at them with disgust.

-Christian: There was no intercourse, well not in that way. We didn't go any further than oral sex. So please forget it ever happened, it was a mistake.

*So they did only oral, no sex.. whatever.. it's still grose.

-Christian: Now, I don't want any more trouble in my house, so Darla please try to not come here under any circumstances. Now I need you to leave.. you girls, only fight and I can't talk to the both of you like this. I'll talk very seriously with you tomorrow, now as I said.. leave, I have to talk to Natasha in private.

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