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                     *Y/n's POV*
         "Ughhh... What happened?" Slowly I flutter my eyes open and I see that I'm surrounded by a dome of pink. "Crap... I'm in another bubble, aren't I?" Rolling over onto my side, I confirm my suspicion as my eyes meet my surroundings. Small bubbles make up the ceiling that I come to known as what I call The Bubble Room, but why am I here? Why am I in a bubble? The stench of not so fresh, but not so old blood hits my nostrils hard, which makes me sit up with a scrunch on my face. Looking down, I see that my shirt is covered in blood... A lot of it. "Where could all that blood could've came from?" I ask myself as I rub my chest, but then it hits me as a flashback of my gem getting cracked comes back into my head in a flash of white and my eyes widen at the thought, "The gems..." Tears threaten to leak from my eyes, "Did I die?" No, I couldn't have. I didn't see a white light with mom, nor darkness and flames with dad, so... What happened? Shaking my head and wiping my eyes, I decide that there's only one way to find out and that's to get out of this bubble and to get to a mirror. "Okay body, let's get out of here."

                    *Greg's POV*
             "Let's see, what can we eat today?" My finger taps my chin as I stare into the fridge, wondering what I can start off my day with. The gems did say to make myself at home, especially since I'm house/temple sitting for them and I'm not going to refuse their kindness... Plus, it feels good to not sleep in my van for a few days. "Ahh!" A sudden scream startles me and makes me jump, hitting my head in the fridge in the process. "Ow!" Retracting my head, I quickly close the door to the fridge and try to find out where the scream came from. I know I'm the only one in the temple besides the corrupted gems that Steven and the others has bubbled up... My eyes widen at what I just thought, "What if one of them escaped? Am I in danger?!" Mumbles come from behind the gem's magical door, but before I can do anything, the door lights up and opens revealing a bloody "Y/n?!"

                      *Y/n's POV*
              "Man, popping those bubbles are tough." I stretch and rub my lower back to help ease the tension there. Just by the color of the bubble I was in, I could tell that it was one of Garnet's and I now know that if I ever make her upset in anyway, that I hope that she don't ever put me in a bubble, ever. Shivering at the thought if she ever does, I open the magical door with my gem to take me to the living room and the first thing I see is Greg. "Y/n?!" I smile at the familiar man's face that I've started to know him by as my dad, "Hi dad." Tears prick the edge of his eyes, which seems to try to trigger tears to come out of mine. "Dad, don't cry," I look down at my shirt, "it was just a cra-" He cuts me off by giving me a tight hug, which makes my head jerk up at the sudden action. "Are you okay now?" Steven's and my awesome beach dad looks up at me and steps back from me with a sniffle, "Is Steven and the others okay?" I give him a small reassuring smile, "They're The Crystal Gems, they'll always find a way to be okay. This," I motion down to my dirty clothes, "was just a minor inconvenience for me." Greg arches a brow, "What do you mean by that?" My hand finds the back of my head and I let my palm stroke my h/c hair down to my scalp as beads of sweat runs down my temples, but somehow, I manage a small cheeky smile, "Well, you see my gem got cracked and I-" My beach dad's eyes widen once again, "That's more than a minor inconvenience! Does that explain all the blood!? Did Steven heal you?! Does that explain the pink tips in your hair?!" Now my eyes widen, "Wait, what?" Greg picks up his hair and points to his tips, "You have pink tips in your hair. D-Did you die? Steven told me how he brought Lars back and now he has pink hair." I look down at my body, then inside my shirt at my gem. It looks good as new. My eyes then flicker up to Greg's, "Well dad, number one, I'm already half dead, sort of speak, and number two, I don't know what happened to me. I guess I did die because I did lose a lot of blood and that would explain why I woke up in a bubble and," I run my fingers through the tips of my hair, "the hair." A stray tear escapes his eye along with a small chuckle, "Well, you look good for a undead gem with pink and h/c hair." A laugh escapes from my lips and we both hug each other. "I'm glad that you're home in one piece..." We break the hug and he looks up at me, "But now we have to play the waiting game for Steven and the others to get back, but I don't want to just sit here and wait, the suspense will drive me nuts!" I smirk at Greg's little outburst and simply pat his shoulder. He looks at me like I just gave him the key to the city. "Tell you what Greg, let me go get cleaned up, then we can go get a bite to eat because I'm starving and I'm pretty sure that you haven't ate today." His stomach growls to prove my hypothesis is correct and he just looks at me with a grin. I smirk, "Then I'll make a few phone calls and we'll through some events to welcome everyone home. How about that?" "You mean like a welcome home party?" My smirk grows into a full out wide smile, "Exactly! Now you're getting into it!" I pat his shoulder one more time, "But like I said, shower first, party second." With that said, I leave him to go back to my room to shower. It feels so good to be home, but its going to feel even better when everyone's back here safe and sound.

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