Chapter 11

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"What's a pretty boy like you doing out here?" a guy with tan skin and baggy black jeans asks. "Come on, tell us," he says, referring to his friends who are standing around us. The guy pulls out a knife and holds it to my neck.

"I don't have anything, I swear," I blurt nervously.

"You sure 'bout that?" he asks. I nod and the guy presses the knife to my neck more. He takes the knife away then punches me in the stomach, making me hunch over then he punches me in the eye.

He lets go of me and I fall over. His buddies and him start kicking me and beating the shit out of me.

They stop beating me and start going through my pockets. "Siva Greene, thank you for making this fairly easy," one of them says after looking at my I.D. He pulls out his knife again and crouches down in front of me. "Now you won't be able to say a word," he says darkly then he cuts my throat and I feel the hot liquid of my blood seep out.

Honestly, truly honestly, I'm happy about this. This past week I've wanted to die more than ever and this may be a terrible way to die but at least I'm getting what I want.

"Sir?" I hear someone say. Of course, never will I be able to have what I want. "Sir, can you open your eyes?" a man says. I slowly lift up my heavy eyelids and the man has a worried but relieved look.

He pulls a cell phone from his pocket and dials something and he starts talking into it. I feel myself start to shake and I'm suddenly cold. How have I not died yet? My throat is fucking cut. I don't want to die in front of this guy though, that'd be terrible for his sake.

"Don't worry, an ambulance and the police are on the way," he says to me as he puts his phone away. I feel my eyes start to drift shut. How am I going to afford this? Then everything is dark.

My eyes open slowly and I look around to see some E.M.T.'s and some doctors and nurses. I'm on a gurny and their wheeling me through the hall. I accidentally let out a whimper when I turn my head and pain shoots through my neck.

"Sir, its okay. You'll be fine. Stay calm and don't move," one of the doctors says. I whisper something but no body hears me over the doctors barking orders and stuff.

The gurny turns and they take me into a room. The E.M.T.'s lift me and put me on a bed and I let out a groan. Every movement hurts so much.

They put a mask on me and I black out again.

I don't really remember any other time I was under anesthesia for surgery but this time, I'm watching the doctors work on me. Not like, I'm awake for the surgery, because I'm not. I'm standing in the door way of the hospital room and I'm watching the doctors fix up my neck and they put a cast on my arm.

I walk over and see myself with my eyes shut and there's one of those pump things in my mouth and a nurse is squeezing it then releasing, making sure I'm breathing.

I wake up to an ache running through my entire body. I try to let out a groan but my throat hurts and I'm completely unable to speak. I open my eyes and see a nurse sitting on a chair, reading a magazine.

"How you feelin'?" he asks me, not looking up from his magazine.

I open my mouth to speak but I can't make a sound. The nurse puts his magazine down.

"Oh right, sorry. Here," he says as he hands me a notepad and a pen. I wright down the word water although, I'm not sure that's quite what it looks like because my left arm is broken so I'm writing with my right hand.

I show him the sloppy writing and he squints his eyes then he realizes what it says. He grabs the cup of water thats on a table and he hands it to me. I nod in thanks and take it. I drink it all in what seems like two gulps.

Secrets: The Blood and the Chains (Editing in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now