His Last Words and Home

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"Y/N....", he said his eyes finally showing something to me. It was either sorrow or happiness. Or both I have no clue. "I don't think I can love.", he tells me grabbing my hand. I was happy that he let me see he had emotions for once. That was more than enough. "It's alright you showing you have feeling is more than enough.", I say sadly. He lifted one of my hands and kissed it. "Thanks for dealing with me, but now we must part.", Peter's voice cracking a little. Peering over at Hook, he didn't seem pleased with me loving his enemy. Even though Hook is apparently my father I care for him. In my heart I know that is true. As a child I had a strange attraction towards Neverland and now I found out why. "Peter I love you.", I say one last time then walk through the glowing light. A hand tugged on me it pulled me back but only for a moment. Looking at the person who did it I made out what they said. "I would give it all up to follow you back.", was the last thing he said to me.


Waking up in my room I saw my parents laying on my floor sleeping. Carefully I stepped off my bed walking around my house. I run to the phone dialing Thomas's number then stopped on the last digit. He won't be there it was Peter that played your best friend who is also the guy you fell in love with. I still punched in the last number hoping he would pick up, but unfortunately there was no answer it went to the answer machine. Hearing his voice on the answer machine saying his words, "Hey it's Thomas if you have nothing important to talk to me about don't bother leaving a voice mail, thank you and good riddance." I always thought that was clever and I laughed about it the day I heard it. I miss him even if it was Peter the whole time. I fell in love with the guy who was behind the mask of my best friend. "Y/N!", my parents screamed running towards me wrapping me in a hug. It looks like they haven't slept in days. "Are you alright we have been worried about you?! You disappeared and haven't came back for months! Even Thomas went missing we thought he kidnapped you?!", They started spewing questions out left and right. "No Thomas didn't do anything, but you could say he is dead.", I tell them. My parents went into a panic and backed away from me.

"Y/n you didn't kill him did you?!"

"No I would never do that.", I say and walk back to my room. Peter the love of my life who I probably will never get over. Before I could reach my room I could over hear my mom talking on the phone. Over hearing what she was talking about I heard the words Y/n and murder. Probably telling the police about Thomas. Walking through my door I crawl onto my bed and under the bed sheets. Closing my tired eyes the one person that pops into my head was Peter. I wish I was with him. Falling into my slumber I hear people walk into my room, but I didn't pay no mind to it and fell back to sleep.


So apparently I should have paid a mind to the people in my room the night before. Because I woke up in a padded room with a straight jacket. I heard people telling that I murdered my best friend. Which I didn't I would never hurt the person I cared for most. I guess I will never see Peter again ever.


I heard someone say my name, maybe I am going crazy. I am sitting in the middle of the white room, my eyes wanting to close. Then someone's hand touched my shoulder. It was the nurse she was giving me pills to take. I won't take them they are making me forget the person I love and I won't have that. After she left I stared at the blank walls again wishing Peter will come and save me.


That voice again sounds familiar turning my head I look around the room then back to staring what was in front of me when I saw big brown eyes staring at me. Looking him up and down he only smirked and opened his mouth. "Sooo do you trust me now or no?", he winks at me. Nodding he unbuckles the straps on the jacket and grabs my hand. "Off we go to Neverland", was his final words before we left this institution where I was being held prisoner.

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