Project Light

501 17 2

Waking up from my nap I could hear talking outside my tent. It was Edwin and i think Felix.

"Yeah i know i am trying she isn't into me though why don't you try", Edwin says.

"No because she knows i despise her"

"Why do I have to get close to her then she wants nothing to do with me", he says to Felix. I can hear him getting angry. I guess he was jusy using me.

"Don't worry when we make things go wrong for Project Light it is all over for her", he tells Edwin with confidence. What is that? Project light?? I want to ask Pan about it i wont go to these two. Now i know Edwin actually doesn't care. Hearing one walk away guessing it was Felix. Felix normally if he is not at his job he is standing by Pans tent to guard him. Unzipping my tent i walk out into cold fresh air. I walk over to the fire and sit down by it on a log. I notice Edwin look at me. He strolled over here and took a seat next to me.

"Hello love", he says and wraps and arm around me.

"Please don't call me that", i tell him and push his arm off.

"Why you aren't dating anyone that i know of so why can't I you are the only girl here", he says coldly.

Getting up I walk over to where Felix is standing.

"I want to see Pan", i tell him.

"He is busy and I don't think he wants to deal with you now", he says to me with an evil smile on his face.

"Please just for a moment"

Felix was about to answer when i heard a voice from inside say let her in. He allowed me inside and i saw Pan sitting at his desk looking at a paper. He looked up at me with exhausted eyes. Did he stay up all night?

"What do you want?"

"I have a request just one"

His eyes opened up more and he smirked.

"What is it?", he asks intrigued.

"Can you keep Edwin away from me? I just don't feel comfortable with him", i say.

"Call me Peter first"

"Huh wait why?"

"We have talked about this you calling me by my name now say it and I might consider"

"Please don't make me say it"

He starts to chuckle and gets off his chair.

"Say it Y/n"

"Peter will you do this for me I just I think Edwin and Felix are planning something", i tell him.

"Fine will do but Felix he wouldn't do nothing to jeopardize me", he says and walked out of the tent.

Why is it so hard to talk to him?

"Y/n", Pixie came out of the shadows and hugged me.

"Hi Pixie"

"Listen something is changing its like I don't know how to describe it, but Pan wouldn't do such things for anyone", she smiles.


"Keep doing what you are doing and what you say is true stay away from those two your best option to stay away is with Pan", she tells me.

"He wasnt always like this you know", she goes on. She stops talking and looks around and sits on a little thimble that was on the desk.

"Maybe I can tell you a story about him", she says

I nod and sit in the chair Peter was sitting on and waited til she told the tale of Peter Pan.

Peter Pan X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now