The Tale

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I sat there as Pixie began to tell me the story.

"Peter was young, and a very cheerful friendly young man. He had only three friends, but he could make more if he wanted but he chose to stay with the three he felt like they were siblings. There names were Roxy, Avery, and Damion. Peter was out one night until a grim scene played out while he was gone. He came back to most of the village burned down and things being stolen by pirates", she says as she looks at me.

"What pirates who were they", i ask.

"I will get to that in a second dont worry", she says smiling.

"Peter walked through and saw his mom she was a fairy like me well she was the queen of the fairies you could say. She took Peter in as a baby so he doesn't know who his actual parents are", she says and looks at the tent flap to make sure no one was over hearing us.

"Hook yes Hook stomped on her head killing her on impact with his black boot", her face twists in sadness.

"Oh my uh so he watched her death?", she nodded as Pan walked in.

"He is out of your hair for good now will you please leave me be now", he says impatiently. I nod and it must be hard going through life seeing your mother die even if it wasn't your real mother. Feeling his eyes on me as i walked out of the tent. Felix stared at me from where is job was taking place. I could see his icy, cold glare at me. I didn't want no one in trouble i only want to be left alone. Wait also why did Pixie stay in there are Pan and her becoming friends? I need a break from this place, but i can't leave. Walking towards my tent i trip over something beneath me. I almost hit the ground until a hand grabbed my wrist. My knees hit the ground and i looked up at deep emotionless brown eyes.

"Peter", looking at him my heart started to beat faster.

"Watch what you are doing", he lets go of my hand and walks towards the fire. Still looking at him I noticed how pointy his ears were. I even noticed how flawless he looked. Why is my heart beating so fast?!?!

"Pest sit by the fire", he tells me as he looks over his shoulder. I follow his instructions and stared at him.

"Listen someone told me that a few kf you are plotting against me if I find out who you are I will kill you myself and throw your dead body to the sharks to feast on", he says a a smirk spreaded acrossed his face.

"Oh my", i whispered.

Turning he stared at me.

"What do you have something to say pest", his smirk growing wider. Shaking my head i look away from him then i turn my eyes back to see his flaming red hair. You can see the darkness in his eyes, no emotion for the people around him.


"Yes Alex", he says unamused.

"The pirates are coming sir"

"Let them come I know what they want anyways and I wont let him take it from me", he says with the hint of a growl in his voice.

Peter Pan X Reader {Completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang