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One of Pans minions tied me up and put on a blind fold. Taking me far from where Pixie was. I missed her already she was my only friend here.

"Hey girlie stop thinking so much man", struggling i turn towards the person with the voice.

"Not my fault you took her and i have no idea where she is tell me where is Pixie", i commanded the person.

"Interesting she told you her name normally the fairies around here don't do that", he said to himself questioningly.

Struggling i tried to shake the blindfold off my head. I looked around and saw a boy sitting on a stump like chair. He appeared to be thinking to himself and looked up at me. He panicked and ran out of the tent that i was in.

"PAN!!", I could hear him screaming while running away from the area.

Man why does everyone fear this guy so much. Is he that scary?? I dont know but i feel like crying. I miss Pixie she was like a sister to me since i have no siblings. Why does bad things always happen to me?? I felt tears start to form at my eyes and i lightly sobbed. Hopefully no one hears me but if someone does i dont want it to be that jerk.

"Why are you crying?", someone asks me.

It was a males voice turning my head slightly. In the dim light i see the red hair and knew i already despise the guy who is the only guy on this island with that hair color. Why did it have to be him of all people? To see me crying like this.

"I am asking nicely please can you leave me alone for a few seconds?", i ask with hope in my eyes he will say yes.

He looks at me and then a smirk forms on his face.

"How about you either tell me why you are crying or i will do something to you that will make you cry then i will leave you here to fend for yourself", he says smiling brightly.

Looking at him with tears escaping from my eyes.

"L-like what?", i ask him a little frightened.

Hia smile just gets bigger and more creepier.

"Like kill Pixie maybe if you don't tell me. I know how much you care for that pesky fairie", he says turning and walking a little ways from me.

Turning back around to look at me he smirks and sits on the floor staring at me.

"So what is it going to be?", he asks.

Desperately I spill how i was feeling and everything about Pixie. I even told him about my depression and how i feel like no one cares. I know my family loves me but it just doesn't help i dont know what to do. After i told him everything about my depression, anxiety, and not feeling like i am loved i cried even harder with him staring at me with a blank expression. His eyes looked like he was dead. It seemed like he didnt even care. No empathy it seemed like. Then he got up off the floor and dusted dirt off his pants.

"Thats enough I will leave you now", he turned around and walked towards the door.

"Wait please untie me i will be good! I will listen to you i just don't want to be alone anymore!", i screamed helplessly.

He stood there looking at me with no emotion in his eyes. Probably not caring if I lived or not.

"Fine but if you cross me Pixie and you wont be making it off this island",  Pan threatens me as he walks over and takes his knife to the rope tying me to the chair.

"Thank you..", i say softly and looking down.

Looking up i saw he was gone nowhere to be seen. I decided to walk out of the tent and looked at the scenery. It was beautiful but it is ruled over by a monster.

Peter Pan X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now