Back at the Camp

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We arrived at the camp, but Pan dropped me on the forest floor by a tent. I had a feeling i couldn't trust him one bit in not dropping me. At least he came to help me though I should thank him.

"Heyy love", i hear a familair voice say.

I moved my head a bit to see Edwin smiling at me.

"Hi", i say quietly.

"Nice to have you back", he smiles and walks to me for a hug. I moved away i am not good with hugs and the only one i allowed it was well Thomas. That is just so sickening because it was Pan the whole time. He got to know every secret I held inside of me. Even he would hold me when i had my panic attacks, and he would calm me down.

"Oh uh you ok?", he asks.

"Yeah just not a huggable person you know", i tell him.

"Ah alrighty so how are you and Pan?", he asks me with full seriousness on his face.

"Why? What do you mean?"

Edwin only smirks and paces back and forth. Then he stops and looks me dead in the eye.

"You don't get it he never goes anywhere to risk his life to save someone are you stupid", he smirks while saying this to me. Pan probably has before i can't believe that. Maybe Pan was once a nice guy you never know. Maybe...

"I'm not stupid and n-no he would save one of you guys of it came down to it"

Edwin shakes his head.

"Nope one of us got caught up with Hook and Pan wouldn't go he actually watched as one of his men got tore into by the Hook Killian wears", he shivered after he said it. I didn't think he would watch that. I-i just want to go home. I miss my family, i miss thomas the one that actually cared. The one who was there and wasn't Pan at all.

"Well see ya love don't want Pan to catch me talking to you again he got mad the last time", he says and walks back to doing his job. I wonder who was Pan before all of this? What was he like before he went all evil on everyone?


Startled I almost fell into the fire, but a hand caught my shirt.

"You need to wash up ok", i turned to look at Pan. Awww maybe he cares.

"You were near pirates for too long i dont want the smell of alcohol at my camp", he smirks at me. Never mind he dont.

"Uh alright but where would i do that in the forest on this island only you would know where to go", i say to him shyly.

"You can go in the lake you just take a hike and there you go, didn't you read the Peter Pan book", ge sarcastically comments.

"C-can you go with me i never been here before how would i know where to go"

He only nods. We walk a for a while until we see the huge lake. It was surrounded my trees. At least he wasn't going to throw me in the ocean again.

"Find your way back when you are done i don't want to help you again", he says.

Turning around he was gone. Taking off my clothes I ran into the lake. I sat down and looked at the little light pink flowers in the water around me. This place is really beautiful, it's almost as if it is a dream. I know it isn't one because i would have woken up by now. I moved a flower above my hand for a while, until i felt someone eyes on me.


Knowing that Pan is the only one who calls me that i wish he would stop calling me that it kind of hurts. I am not a pest.

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