Pirates and Love

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Watching Pan walk away I had the urge to follow but he would probably push me away. Acting on impulse i ran to him. I  need answers even if I have to get them from the devil himself.


Stopping in his tracks he turns his head to look at me.

"What pest?", he says coldly.

I wish he would say my name more often.

"I need to ask you something", I look at a tree I don't want to meet those brown eyes.


"What are they after?", i ask turning my eyes back to him. He was fully facing me now and the only thing he did was smirk.

"Something slightly important not so much important maybe a little, why?", he says.

"I only want to know maybe I can help you",he lifts his hand up and shakes his head as he continues to smile.


"Why i can help", i say.

"You can help by staying out of my way and going somewhere hidden", he tells me as he moves closer. My heart starts to beat faster the more closer he steps towards me. His face inches from mine.

"Now you will stay out of my way got it", looking into his eyes it seemed like i was under a spell. All i saw was he mouth Felix and one move of his hand pointing at me. Feeling a pair of hands picking me up and i slowly started to drift off. Peter no please i want to help you. You maybe be a jerk, but I-I need yo-.

~few hours later~
Waking up I was tied to a chair. But the scenery looked to familiar.  I am in Peters tent tied to his chair. Where is he anyways? Struggling I try to get up and break the rope, but i failed. Looking over to my left right in my face was Pixie. I was about to screamed because i was startled, but Pixie told me to shhh. Her struggling to get the rope off my wrists she flew over to Peters dresser and picked up a needle so she could try and cute the rope. After a few minutes she got me untied. I ran to the tent flap and peer out. No one was here everyone was gone. Walking by the fire I could feel a strange presence on me. Turning I saw Hook. The hook on his hand glistening in the sun.

"Hey there girlie", shuddering from his words I run. That was the only thing I could think of. I ran so fast that everything around me turned into a blur.

"Y/n" i heard a voice call. I know that voice anywhere.

"Y/n", another voice called. Stopping I looked around. Out of air i see someone emerge from the forest. It was Edwin.

"Y/n my love i am so happy to see you again", he says making his way over to me. Backing up i trip over a rock and land really hard on my butt.

"My love my sweet come here please", he says motioning me over to him. I sit there looking at him. To be honest i am afraid. It also doesn't make sense because wouldn't he have left with Peter.

"You know Y/n i cant stand the way you look at him", meeting Edwins dark eyes he was closer now. Peering past i could see something in his hand.

"E-Edwin", i cower away. I wish no all i have to say is his name. Pixie told me he would show up the day i came here in a second dream.

"Dont you dare Y/n if he knows i am with you he will kill me and you know it i know it was you that told him to keep you away from me", he smirks at me.

"Annnd i cant help myself you know I had an amazing day the first time i saw you", he moves forward.

"P-please dont I-I want Peter I need to see him", Edwin only chuckles.


What? No Peter wouldn't leave..I figured out why i am so sad and how my heart started to beat so fast when he is near. I found out that I loved him. Peter Pan, My Peter Pan.

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