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I want to thank everyone who read this story thank you all so much.

Tied to a chair in the master headcourters on a ship you only know in the books. Wait why would i get captured if Hook doesn't like Pan why can't he just go after him. I heard the door creek open and in walked the Captain of the ship Captian Killian James Hook.

"Hello Miss", he says very charmingly while he takes of his hat showing his now short black hair. I only looked at him. I don't know what to say i am terrified at all honesty. He could easily tear me apart.

"Listen I am not hear to hurt you", he smiles. Something about his smile is haunting. I can't trust him and i know it.

"I only want to know where he is", he looks at me with a smile. Who?? Wait is he talking about Pan?? What actually happened between them? Looking at Hook I dont answer and he slams his hands on the table.

"ANSWER ME!",his voice rises.

"I-I don't know", I shy away answering him quietly. His smile faded away and his eyes turned to slits. Walking out of the room he didn't return. Shutting my eyes I kind of wish Pixie was here.

"PAN!!!", I scream flying towards his tent. Every lost boy started to stare as i fly rapidly towards Pans tent. Felix grabbed me in mid air and laughed. He walked me in the tent where Pan sat at his desk.

"What is it now vermin", he smirked.

"Pan listen to me Y/n was kidnapped", i say frantically. I could see his face froze and the smirk vanished.

"Felix round up the lost boys we have to get her back"

"What sir why?",he says with wide eyes.

"Because I- I dont have to explain myself to you now go and leave the fairy", he says angrily.

Felix sets me down and Pan stares off looking at the dirt ground. I don't want to bother him, he actually seems lonely of some sort. I can't explain it.

"Pan",i say.


"Thank you", i tell him and bow.

"Don't we will get her back but you and her will stay out of my hair", he says tells me and puts his head in his hands.

"I will leave now"

He waves his hands to shoo me off and Felix walks in. Pan looks up and nods. Pan gets off his chair and walks out with Felix behind him.

Hopefully they get her out in one piece.


I opened my eyes. Apparently i passed out wishing Pixie was here. But something was off it seemed way to quiet. Then i heard the door creek open.



A figure emerges out of the shadows. It was Pan. WHATT??!?! Why would he come for me??

"Pixie wants you back so i thought i would come and get you", he smirks.

"How did you even get to me with Hooks men and himself on the ship?"

"Welll him and his men are all drunk and passed out so it was quite easy", he says smirking at me.

"Now lets go pest", he quickly says and takes out his knife and cuts the rope. Grabbing my arm he walks out of the room and then looks at me.

"Do you trust me right now or no?", i looked at him.

"I-i don't know the last time we flew together you dropped me in the water to drown", i tell him. He laughed a little then he tightened his grip.

"Well then i guess you have no choice then", those were his last words then i felt a brush of air hit my face.

Peter Pan X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now