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Pixie nodded and flew over to a log. She sat down and patted next to her motioning me to sit down next to her.

"Listen Pan knows about how I helped you he knows everything", she explained.

She gave me a sad look as I looked down on her. Eventually she looked down and cried. Cried yo where she sobbed.

"Why? Why is he like this he used to not be this way!", she mumbled to herself.

So Pan used to be nice....I don't think so he seems like he has been a jerk all of his life. So he has anger and a temper. Me I have depression and sadness. I get sad at random times for no reason. I cry alone with no one there to comfort me.

"I am so sorry miss", she told me sincerely.

"It's o-",I was cut off. Someone grabbed me from behind and put a hand over my mouth.

Pixie she was grabbed around her body. She was so frail and tiny. They could squish her. She s my friend I need her to keep me sane. I was squirming to get free. Please please someone help me!! Pixie and I were dragged through the forest to a camp. Looking around I noticed that jerk smirking at me. He walked over to me and smiled.

"Hello we meet again",he bowed.

I give a glare and he chuckles.

"Well isn't this going to be fun", he chuckled.

Peter Pan X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now