Edwin and Hook

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Edwin kept getting closer and the only thing I could do is close my eyes tight. I want to be with Peter..Where is he???

"Peter", tears spilled out of my eyes. How could I love the very demon who brought me here?

"Y/n say my name not his", i hear Edwins voice grow angry. He was almost to me when a sword flew out of no where and hit Edwin in the head. Screaming I looked around waiting for the person or thing that did that to him.

"Girlie listen", Hook stepped out from behind a tree.

"I only want to talk", he said smiling.

"Like that will happen", a demonic voice said. Looking up i see Peter hovering above me. Peter I knew you wouldn't leave.

"Oh really how about we tell her about the last time and what happened", Hook only smirked at Pan.

"No need I only am trying to achieve what I want not what she wants I don't care if she wants to leave or go home I will fulfill my needs first", Peter says calmly and cold.

Hook smiles and looks at me and motions for me towards him.

"He only wants you to sacrifice yourself so he can get someone back you know this girl", he says moving eyes to check on Pan. Huh who is it? Who is that someone?

"Its not even his poor mommy that died", he smirks turning towards Peter grabbing my wrist.

"He only wants the love of his life back that is why he is cold hearted killer, and wont care if you died kn the process"

Wait...my heart it hurts...I am once again crushed by a person that I love. Tears began to spill out of my eyes. Trying to get out of Hook's grip he pulls me into an embrace.

"See you don't need the boy who willl destroy you"

"Hook dont do that okay", i hear Peter say with a growl.

Tears still pouring out of my eyes like a fountain i turned to look at Peter.

"Is he right?", i ask.

Peters expression doesn't change from his usual blank face.

"Hehe", he chuckles slightly.


"Yes it was, but not now I changed my mind", he says with a smirk.

I don't want to stay with him. I was hurt enough. Coming from me I always get rejected or hurt by someone I fall for.

"Y/n come here don't leave with Hook. You said you want to help right?", he says appearing right next to me. Hook was still holding me then pulled me away from the red haired boy.

"Don't go near her you flying demon freak", Hook says with a growl.

"Oh but did you tell her you found her and you could have told her the truth", Peter says walking towards me. Just leave me alone. Burying my face into Hooks long coat, he wraps his arms around me like he is holding his own child.

"I-I", Hook could only stutter.

"Thats what I thought", Peter says smiling. I could feel his delicate fingers wrap around my wrist like it was the first time we have met in my room. I still love him.

"Listen y/n I need to tell you something", he says.

"Yea Peter"

"Hook is your real father I brought you back here, he only sent you away because you would be to powerful for everything here", Peter says slowly.

What does he mean?? And Hook my father no my father is back at earth. My home.

"Peter I need to tell you something now", i say.

He only nods and I brace myself for what i am about to say.

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