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Starting towards the fire they had set up for tonight i look around and see the boys sparring with fake swords.

"Man",i mumble to myself.

"What is it pest?", turning i stare at the most big green eyes.

It was a boy with blonde hair, green eyes, was as tall as me, and he was pale, and he had a mean expression. He wore a green shirt, green pants, and doesn't wear any shoes.

"Nothing", i tell him slightly agitated.

"So Pan let you out very interesting", he said giving a very evil smirk.

Nodding I sit down on a small stump. Why does this creep even care? Can't I just be left alone for a while man.

"So what's you name love?", he asks.

Looking at the ground I can see his eyes burning into me in my side vision. When I don't reply he just chuckles and sits on the ground next to me.

"Alrighty I see you don't want to answer. My name is Edwin", the boy says while smiling brightly.

I turn to look at him and smile slightly. Why does he seem creepy but also I could trust him? Well I won't trust this dirtbag anyways no matter how nice he is. I have trouble with trusting people and people seem to leave me quite a lot. I miss Thomas he was my only friend back where I lived. He was so funny and adorable. Why? Why did he seem familiar though? Like I have met him countless times.

"Yooo Y/N!!!!", I hear someone in the distance scream my name. Turning I see a boy running so fast his hair flying in every direction. His orange hair had light gleaming off the beautiful locks. THOMAS!!! How did he get here?? Which seems odd man how much I missed him! Getting off the stump I dart to the boy and I jump on him. We both fall and knock the air out of both of us.

"Y/ hurt me...", he says getting off the ground and holds out a hand towards me. I grab it and stand up looking into his blue eyes.

"I missed best friend..But how did you get here??", I ask him.

His face twists in confusion. The blues orbs dart in every direction trying to sum up an answer.

"I have no idea actually", he says quietly.

"ummm excuse me love", Edwin questions.

I look at him and he sighs.

"I know when I am not needed see ya around love", he quietly says and leaves.

Thomas looks at me quite amused. His smile turns more devilish.

"Why is he calling you love Y/N?", he asked annoyed.

"I-I-I don't know since I met him a few minutes ago why?", I tell him looking down at the ground thankful he is here.

"Well I don't want him to Y/N tell him off next time! Also I was here for a few minutes and I already don't like it I want to go home", he tells me while frowning.

I put my hand on his shoulder and tears start to escape from my eyes. He looks at me and doesn't show any emotions. Thomas didn't even comfort me like he usually does when I cry. He always used to hug me and tell me everything was ok, but this time there was nothing no expression in those beautiful blue orbs.

"Y/N don't cry alright how about we leave this place stab that two faced punk in the back huh", he told me softly. I nod and he pulls me by my hand the one he never let of through the trees and over ones that have fallen. We watch out for all the deadly plants which he seems to already know about. This all seems odd. Thinking back to what he said he already knows about Pan and it looks like he knows the path to go on. Maybe I am over thinking but this is just not ordinary. Eventually we come to a stop at a cliff. I look down at the water and look over back at Thomas which he disappeared. When did he stop holding my hand? Why did he leave me in the open? I shouldn't have listened to him. I actually thought we were going to escape or go somewhere and just be happy. Well not as boyfriend and girlfriend, but you as friends.

"THOMAS!!", I scream his name. After I scream his name I hear crunching noises come from all around me in the bushes that surround the cliff. Felix walks out looking at me with no emotion in his eyes. All the boys come out of hiding and close in on me.

"get her", was all he had to say when I got hit in the back of the head as I was about to black out I hear the faint chuckles of Pan himself. I could feel his eyes burning into me as I drifted out of consciousness.

Peter Pan X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now