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Man why does Pan want me? He has me being chased by these boys and I don't know what for. Like come on!!

"Miss", I hear a tiny voice call me.

"Pixie?", I question looking around.

She flys in front of my face.

"Follow me", she tells me. I follow her and we hide behind this big tree.

"I think she went this way!", I overheard a familiar voice. I knew it was Constantine. He is probably mad that I stopped on his foot. We heard the boys run past and Pixie looked at me with red puffy eyes.

"Pixie are you ok were you crying?", I asked her.

"Yes but i am fine we need to find a way for you off this idk and before pan gets you", she implied looking around.

What does this Pan guy want?? First he was a jerk to me and now he wants me for what?? I didn't do anything to him. He needs to get a life. I looked at Pixie she doesn't seem like she is ok I want to know what happened between her and Pan.

Peter Pan X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now