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Waking up the last thing I remember was falling from the cage. Looking around I only saw beautiful grey stone all around me. Realizing I'm on the floor of a cave I stand up and walked around the area I was in. Feeling the cool rock beneath the palm of my hand I try to adjust my eyes to the darkest corners of this cave. Looks familiar yet I can't put a finger on it.

"Pest sit down now I never told you that you could stand.", a terrifying voice came from above me. Sitting back on the cold, damp rock of the cave Peter shows himself and lands in front of me. "You will sit here unless I tell you otherwise. You are nothing to me but a mere human who has no qualities or anything I am looking for in a woman.", Pan scowls at me. Staring at him with his eyes full of nothing but hate. I wished things could have been different, but I guess I will never be good enough for anyone. I thought he would be different, possibly.. Someone save me from this horrible fate for myself.

"Pan let my kid go you good for nothing rat!", Hook yells coming from the opposite direction from where we are standing. Peter turned and only stared at him with a sinister grin placed across his lips. "Oh Captain I can't do that she did the worst crime in all of Neverland", A grin still on his face turns and face me. The look in his eyes made me shiver. "And what is that Pan?", Hook asked walking towards us fast. Peter lifted himself off the ground a little bit. It appears he doesn't want to be on the ground. "Falling in love with the Demon King of all in Neverland no one should", he says and gives me a glare.

"Peter..", I call his name softly, "Please...". Black aura started to form around the one guy I actually wanted to be with. I don't think he is evil. Peter can be good if he just tried. What made him turn so sinister. "Peter what happened to turn you this way?", asking him. Peter looked my way sneering. "I don't have to tell you anything pest." That name he keeps calling me still hurts. I want to be called by my name please for once. Getting off the floor I reached my hand up and grabbed his hand. His head whipped my way like a strike of lightening. "Peter please tell me...", I ask with a tear falling out of my eye. All I heard was silence looking up his brown eyes stared back at me. Sadness in those eyes made me want to cry. The black aura was gone and he was back on the ground. "Y/n I-I can't to personal.", he calmly states. Turning back at Hook he glared. "My mother took her to the human world to get away from you, you wanted your daughter to be a horrible person like yourself!", Pan screamed the aura coming back. Taking form of one of the most beautiful person I ever met was those demon eyes I saw the first time he brought me here. With that wicked smile erasing the frown on his face.

"Peter no", I say sadness coming over. "Y-YOU W-WILL D-DIE F-FOR Y-YOUR C-CRIMES H-HOOK!!!", Peter screeched. His voice had changed into something else like a growl. Reaching for Peter's hand again a shock went through me and I blacked out.


"Y/n Gosh darn it you gone and done it Pan killing the only family I have!", I heard Hook yell at Pan. Opening one eye I saw nothing in Peter's eyes. He doesn't care about Hook at all and you can tell. "I don't care what you say anyway we will send her back to the real world anyways.", Peter says coldly. Peter walked away and climbed on ladder I didn't notice earlier. He pulled on something and a orb of light appears in the middle of the cave. It was so bright I thought I might have gone blind. Picking myself off the ground I walked over to Peter who just finished climbing down off the ladder. "Peter..I-I", I try to make words form, but I could barely get them out. He only stared at me that blank expression as when I talked to him countless times. "Yeah?", he says and motions for me to go to the orb. I didn't want to just yet. I needed him and I wanted to be with him forever. "Pan get away from her.", Hook said very angrily. Peter held his hand up at Hook to shut up or it meant talk to the hand. "Peter I meant what I said to you earlier.", I tell him staring him down in his eyes the ones I want to only look at me.

Shaking his head then looked at me with eyes and opened his mouth to speak.

Peter Pan X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now