The Bath...7...

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                I woke up with a headache and back pain. Looking around, I saw Ash and Liv sleeping in the tent next to me. Trying to be super quiet, I get out of the blankets around me and quietly unzip the tent. The boys are outside sleeping soundly. Guess I was the first to get up.  After we found the cavern last night, and a small pool of water in it, streaming to a larger pool outside, running into a semi-large river farther in the island. We decided to crash here, it was pretty much perfect shelter.               

                Everyone was so tired yesterday, that after we discovered the cavern, they decided to check the suit cases they found, and luckily one contained camping gear that we were required to being for one of the activities we were supposed to do, There were a few blankets, 3 sleeping bags and a tent.  Another suitcase had  a lot of guy stuff and the rest of them had girl things.

                Since the tent wasn’t enough to fit 6 people, it was decided that the girls got the tent and some blankets while the guys got the sleeping bags and some of the left over blankets. Luckily with this new arrangement we got some comfort.

                The small pool of water glistened as the light hit it. I walked over to the water and put my hand in it, it was warm. Perfect temperature for a swim. Looking down at my wrinkled clothes covered in dust and dirt, I thought again; perfect temperature for a bath. Looking back at the still sleeping bodies, I decided not to lose my chance at privacy and get clean. After all we been through yesterday, we could all use comfort. While they sleep most of their anxiety off, I’ll relax and wash off the days events.

                I walked away from the pool and towards the suitcases. Rummaging through the 3 girl ones filled with almost everything a closet and a bathroom at home would have, I thought that we got a bit lucky with the luggage’s we found.

                I found a bar of soap among other bath products in a toiletries bag. We all couldn’t waste much so we had to make things last. Skiping using shampoo or conditioner, I just settled on the soap doing all the business. Next I looked for a change of clothes. Something comfortable I thought.

                I found some black underwear and a black bra that looked about my size. “Thank you jesus!” I silently prayed. Then I found black tights and black tank top. Perfect to move in fluidly just in case we had to run for our lives. Then I found a burgundy hoodie with the hard rock café logo on it, this could protect against insect bites and the cold. I could hear the angels singing in the background! I grabbed socks and a pair of chuck taylors.

                Deciding I found what I needed, I took my loot and finally a towel and headed behind some rocks to hide. The huge rocks were like mazy walls and offered me privacy. I stripped off my clothing and left them in a small pile by the side of the edge of the water to wash later. I felt the breeze on my naked body and shuddered.

                I stepped in slowly and took an intake of breath. It wasn’t as warm as I thought but I would have to do. Plus it would wake me up.  I was up to my mid-side in the water when I started getting used to it. Soon I was feeling the sting of the water on the wound I got from the crash and I hissed in pain. Trying to swallow it, I gently washed away the dried blood and saw that it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was.

                Suddenly I thought about the people who used to live without all this technology we have now. God imaging if I had to seal my wound with fire. I made a face. No thank you.  I would have to figure out a way to fix it with the least amount of pain. Then I thought about the people that lost their lives on that plane crash. My eyes started to water but I quickly blinked them back. Crying won’t bring them back. The best we could do is survive and keep them in our memory.

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