My Name is Hannah, Douche!...2...

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I woke up with the sound of Nyan cat blaring from my alarm. Stupid Nyan cat! I quickly got dressed with a comfortable black t-shirt and jeans. I put converse on my feet and braided my hair placing it over my left shoulder. Putting a bit of eyeliner and shadow and I was done.

                Grabbing my suitcase, I left the house and walked towards the cab I recently called. “Airport please.” I told him, he nodded and started driving. I called my mom and left a message, knowing that she was asleep.

                “Hey mom, It’s me, Just wanted to let you know, I’m on my way to the airport and I’m fine. I’m calling you now just in case I’m late and have to rush and I might not have enough  time to call you then. Love you! Have fun, say hi to chris!” I left her the message. I love my mom, she is awesome!

                We got to the airport 20 minutes later and I was happy I finally got to get out of the claustrophobic cab that smelled like cigarettes, none of the cab drivers I know ever followed the no smoking rule.

                “Thanks.” I muttered and took my suit case from the scruffy man’s hand after he took it out of the trunk. He didn’t even say anything as he took the money from my hand and left in a hurry. Shrugging , I made my way inside the  airport and headed towards the very loud and obnoxious group of teens toward the luggage check in section. There were about 12 kid there laughing loudly and acting like total idiots. I sighed, oh boy maybe I shouldn’t have come, its as if these people were 8 not 18.

                Suddenly I was tackled by a very enthusiastic blond girl shouting, “OMG we are going to have so much fun!!!!” Liv yelled right in my ear.

                “Chillax girl! We ain’t there yet.” I steadied her before she would fall.

                “I know but I’m so excited!” her short figure bouncing up and down. Her brown eyes wide with excitement and her yellow sundress flowing around her thin stature as she twirled and jumped with every squeal of joy.

                Then I saw HIM. Judging by the people leaving, he was probably telling the kids that didn’t belong there to get to where they were supposed to be. His piercing blue eyes searching the room for something then a frown when he couldn’t find it, his dark brown hair was messy atop his head and he wore a black shirt with jeans. He had a clipboard in his hands calling out names.

                Deciding that his was my cue to join the group in case he decided to check me absent and leave without me.

                “Tyler?” He looked out and spotted one of my best friends who raised his hand like a good boy, “here” he said.

                “Dane, Kelly, Topher?” he asked looking for the triplets, who all said here at he same time. Creepy. He continued calling out another 10 names.

                “Here” said Liv. I waited for him to continue but he didn’t. I coughed loudly to get his attention.

                “You forgot me.” I explained with a scoff. I could see him trying not to smirk when he said, “Sorry…Anna.” He made it sound like a question. Oh hell’s naw, he did not just get my name wrong.

                “Hannah.” I said clenching my jaw, bitch. “Hannah Davis.” He looked at his paper and check my name. “Great, so we good to go everyone?” we all nodded, “Get in line then and leave your baggage.” He motioned us forward.

                “I will Kill him!” I whisper shouted to Liv. She knew I never liked him. She started laughing and said, “Yeah right, you know you love him.”

                “No, I don’t!” she gave me a flat look. “I don’t! I love to hate him.” I justified. She shook her head and pushed me forward in the line, looking back I see Mr. Quentin with a smirk on his face. Oh shit, he better not have heard that conversation.

                Liv and I had seats next to each other, thank god for that. We got comfortable  when I suddenly felt my chair being kicked. I stood up and looked behind me to see Tyler looking innocently out the window. Sitting next to him was Ashlyn the “bitch” . god how I wanted to strangle that girl. Her stupid bimbo tank tops and her dyed black hair. Her dumb skimpy clothing and her fucking manicured nails was not why I hated her. It was the fact that she thought she was so cool and that she was better than everyone else. Girl better wake up!

                “Who kicked my  damn chair?” I asked raising my eyebrow.

                Tyler did a childish point towards Ashlyn still looking out the window. I looked at her and she smiled sweetly at me.

                “ Hi Ash, how’s life?” my voice oozing fake sweetness.

                “It’s great.”

                “Mind telling me why you Kicked my chair?”

                “Because I don’t like you.” She smiled and tilted her head.

                “Awe, but I thought we were best friends! Oh well, your overly revealing clothes were giving me that you were a hoe anyway so I should thank you. Thank you for being a hoe, that way, I would have something to make fun of.”

                She was about to say something but I turned my back on her and sad down, putting my headphones in my ear and turning the music on. I saw Craig laughing two rows down from me and giving me thumbs up, I smiled proudly. 20 minutes later the plane departed and I felt a wave of excitement run through me, it’s going to be so much fun!!

                That is until 3 hours later, the seat belt sign turned on and the pilots voice rang loud and clear on the intercoms, “Ladies and gentlemen please be seated, we are experiencing some heavy turbulence plea…” he was interrupted by shouts of fear as I felt the plane start to drop.



NATHAN QUENTIN ON THE SIDE ------------------------------->

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