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I woke up with a headache and Mr. Quentin hovering over me freaking out. His hair was messier than usual, and his eyes were filled with worry.

“Hannah? Hannah! oh god! Are you alright? What happened?” The concern in his voice made me feel inappropriately giddy. I ignored it remembering the hateful things he said.

“Where am I?” I yank my hand away from him a little too hard. he looked hurt but swallowed it. Great, now I feel terrible.

“I found you like this 5 minutes ago here besides the bonfire place. I tried waking you up but...but you wouldn’t budge. Nothing for 5 minutes straight. I thought...I thought you were...dead.” he choked out.

I look around, a bit lightheaded and see the cavern we call home. Around me I see Peggy intact and another two Peggies. What?! Am I seeing triple? DId I hit my head on something? I knew I only got one Peggy so where did all these other…then it all came back to me.

I jumped up and looked around frantically, “Where is he? Where is the green guy?” I look at Mr. Quentin expectantly.

“Woah, Woah, Woah, steady.” Mr.Quentin puts his arm around me preventing the result of my dizzy spell. Must have gotten up too fast.

“What in the world are you talking about?” Mr. Quentin placed his large hands around my cheeks gently and forced me to look at him, “What happened?”

I sigh, I start talking. I tell him about everything that happened since I left the cavern earlier, “And I guess now we have three peggies.” I finish off lamely.

Mr. Quentin looks extremely skeptical but hey,I told the truth so I can’t be to blame for his trust issues no matter how weird the truth sounds.

“So what you are telling me is that there is a weird green guy in the forest with nice...abs?” The asks.

“Well they were more than nice, they were amazing.” I say matter of factly. I sort of hoped to see a twinkle of jealousy in his eyes when I told him about it but then I realized how stupid and hypocritical that makes me so I looked away from him when I said it. Even if he were jealous, which he probably wasn’t! I would have missed it.  

“Did you hit your head or something?” he asked a bit nastily.

“Well excuse me, I guess you are not getting any peggy tonight so fuck off or apologize for being a dick all the time,” I say in a monotone.

“Hey, I’m sorry alright, now can we for one second just stop being at odds with each other.”

“Whatever,” I mumble picking up the Peggy triplets off the floor.

“Hannah wait, everyone is off doing their own thing, I just want to talk about the things I said the other night to you...away from prying eyes and ears.”

I look around just now noticing that we were alone. I gulp.


We walk to the makeshift fireplace and sit on the logs. I start plucking the feathers off of Peggy #1.

“Look, I know what I said must have seemed out of line,” he started.

“It was,” I say not taking my eyes away from the bird.

“I know, and I apologize for it but you have to look at it from my perspective. there are 3 males and 3 females. This are complicated enough, we don’t need any extra drama. It would be unwise.”

“Look at it from my point of view Mr. Quentin. I am not Ash and I am not stupid. I know that survival comes above everything else, and I am pretty sure that everyone else knows it too. I also know that you are not the boss of me or of anyone here other that the fact that you assumed a somewhat leadership position. Despite it, it’s not up to you to decide if I can sleep with someone or not or who that person may be okay?!” I was getting heated, some of Peggy’s feathers were being crushed in my fists.

“I know that! It’s just I can’t imagine you sleeping with…” he cut himself off and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

“With?” I ask in trepidation.

“Nothing, forget it.” The starts getting up to leave. How infuriating, he thinks he can have me hang onto his every word and then leave me hanging?

“Don’t leave now coward, finish what you were going to say,” I challenge him.

“Craig, Tyler, anyone okay. I can’t imagine you with anyone but…” it sounded as if the was going to say me but stopped himself yet again. I refuse to give up though, I want to hear what the has to say. I want to hear him say what I want him to say. I want him to say it. How pathetic, the guy, scratch that, the teacher, that gives me the hardest of times, the one that gets the biggest rise out of me gives me hope for something I never thought I would find. And on a seemingly deserted island. God, I am so pathetic.

The walks up to me slowly, his eyes never leaving mine. he looks like the wants to continue what he was going to say but he keeps stopping himself. Why does the keep stopping himself!?

By now, I’m breathing heavily and leaning towards his chest. there is but an inch between us, between our faces.

“Go on, finish what you were going to say.” I whisper, not angry anymore but yearning to hear his voice.

“Me...anyone but me,” he breathes. The said it so low I could have almost missed it if I weren’t focusing on his lips.

His hands travels to my saw, caressing it. The pulls my face in towards his and captures my lips with his. His strong arms picks my small body off the floor and I wrap my legs around his waist. The walks but I have no idea where, we just keep moving. We just keep kissing. We break away for the shortest of moments to breath but time loses itself between our embrace.

We finally break away breathing heavily. I see that we made our way towards the pool of water. I feel my feet hit the floor and they shake under me.

“That might not have been the best idea.” I choke out through my panting.

“Your fault, you were being pushy,” I was about to go off on another rant until i saw the smirk playing on his lips. I roll my eyes instead and take off my shirt catching him off guard.

His mouth forms an O at my sudden action and says, “Wha…?”

I put a finger to my lips and shush him, “I feel like swimming.”

The rest of my clothes come off except for my bra and underwear. I ignore his lingering eyes on me and dip in the pool. I expect him to shake his head at me and leave but the doesn’t.

I dive under the water only to resurface and see him half naked and walking towards the edge. I glance at his perfect body and blush, Oh god, i did not calculate my actions correctly. The jumps in and swims towards me.

“You know, a swim doesn’t sound half bad right now.” The smirks again and without any hesitation proceeds to dunk me under.

I resurface with a look of annoyance, “you are so on!” I swim away from him and splash water at him. We stayed there for lord knows how long, all the while laughing, but for some reason I could not shake the feeling of something or someone watching me.

Thank you all for your patience, I know I am a slow uploader but I do try! I decided to bestow a gift upon you all and that gift is this chapter! so tell me what you think and bear with me please!! Have a good rest of the day.

- Kitty

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