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“Oh My god, Oh my god please wake up!!” I heard what I thought was liv’s voice. But that was impossible right? She was on the plane and i… I don’t know what happened to her. But now I hear her voice as if I was right next to her, and she kept saying my name. Was I in heaven? Is this what Heaven felt like? Well liv was right, I guess we were going to be roommates after all.

                “What happened? Am I in Heaven?” I opened my eyes and let Liv’s worried face enter my vision. She jumped and hugged me close to her, “Oh my god, I thought you were never going to wake up!” She keeps hugging me and I hug her back with all my might, she felt real, I’m stupide for  thinking I was in heaven.

                “I’m so happy you got out!” she mumbles in my ear. “God me too.” I reply. After a while I pull away and see Tyler behind her waiting her turn. Relief washes over me as I run to him and engulf him in a hug as well. His dark hair was messy and he was soaking wet but other than that, he look good as new.

                I pulled away after a while and scanned the beach once more, now realizing that I had a piece of a shirt tied to my arm around the wound I received during my escape form the plane. I saw Craig smiling at me, Liv, and Tyler, and a bit far in the corner was Mr. Quentin crouching down and checking the pulse of someone but he was Shirtless! Oh mama why!?!?

                But what really surprised me was that Ash was the one he was checking the pulse of. Well I’m glad that another person survived the horrible accident but why was it the hoe of the school? I mean, I didn’t hate her that much but me being me, I wondered if someone else might have deserved living a bit more.

                Never the less, I made my way over to see if I could help. Despite the fact that I was a bit dizzy, and almost died, I still liked to be in control of the situation. My shoes dug in the sand with each step I took towards Mr. Quentin and he looked up at me with a what-are-you-doing-here-look on his face.

                I bent down and placed my ear to Ash’s chest. Yep, she was breathing, then I checked her pulse.

                “I already checked it. But I am not giving her CPR.” Mr. Quentin spoke.

                “Well, I’m checking it again.” I replied indifferently and rolled my eyes. I was a swimming instructor at my local pool, where I would tech little kids how to stay afloat and not drown. How ironic it was, since I almost did drown. But anyway, I saved a few little midgets in my day so Ash wouldn’t be too different.

                I pressed on her chest and gave her CPR, and eventually Ash woke up in a fit of caught just like everyone else and looked around like a frightened kitty. But did nte bitch hug me for saving her life? (Not that I expected a hug but a small thank you), no! she saw Mr. Quentin behind her and she hugged him instead voicing her thanks for saving her life. When he actually kind of refused to give her CPR. I bet he would have let her die too. Okay I’m joking but he obviously didn’t want to share spit with the creature.

                “You are oh so very welcome.” I muttered and turned around to face my friend who made a small semi circle around us.

                “oh, you survived?” Ash tried to sound nice but I could make out the disappointment in her voice. I looked over at Mr. Quentin who looked like her wanted to go run away. I bet he was just scared,  but if Ash had her arms around me, I would shoot myself so I didn’t know exactly why he had a WTF look oh his face. My guess just kept moving towards Ash because she said, “Oh, I’m so glad you saved me Mr. Quentin.” And she hugged him, while he tried to slightly pull away.

                I slightly Chuckled at his discomfort then I remember we almost died, so I sobered up and said, “We need to find shelter, food and water quickly, and when I say quickly, I mean in the next 2 hours.” I look up at the sun and frown as we had little time to find what we needed. Sundown was almost upon us.

                “Are there anymore survivors?” I asked Craig who looked brooding and messy as he ran a hand through his hair.

                “Not that we know of, we found Liv and Tyler right after you passed out, and Ash just sort of washed up on the shore shortly before you woke up. She would have been dead if you didn’t save her. Quentin really wasn’t having any luck.” He explained.

                “Yeah, But we did find some luggage’s.” Liv added.

                “How many?” I asked crouching down and checking Ash for any cuts, or bruises. She seemed fine when she said in her very shrill voice, “Get off, what are you doing?!” she smacked my hand as I was tilting her head from side to side.

                Mr. Quentin took this opportunity to escape, joining the other behind me. “Yep, she’s fine.” I say getting up, followed by her.

                “five.” Mr. Quentin responded to my earlier question.

                “Where are they?”

                “I placed them over by that tree.” He pointed in a general direction and I nodded, as long as he knew where they were then I was good.

                “Okay, so we need to leave the shore and find water first because without it, we are going to dehydrate and die in 2 days tops. Especially in this sun.” I told the group.

                “Who died and made you leader?” Ash whined.

                “you will if you don’t shut the fuck up.” I snapped at her. I dint not need bullshit right now.

                “Ms. Davis please, language” Mr. Quentin admonished.

                “Really? Really? What are you going to do, give me a detention?” I asked nastily. I was about to lose it, I was cool and collected most of the time but little things tend to set me off and right now I was more vulnerable than usual.

                He stayed silent as I threw the insult in his face. He knew he that school ruler didn’t really apply here anymore, all we had was our values and sanity and we didn’t know for how long we would keep those either.

                “We 3 will carry the luggage’s, they aren’t that heavy while Liv, Ash and Hannah take the lead for water.” Tyler concluded while motioning to the 2 other guys and himself.

                “Good, anyone have anything to say about that?” I looked around and gave a cold glare at Ash as she opened her mouth to say something. I nodded as we started moving walking in to the forest waiting for the unknown.



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