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“Please don’t smother me, I swear that I need some room to breath, what with you all up down and over me, You’re not a name, you’re just a face...” I sang off tune as i swam in the small pool.

The hunt today with Mr. Quentin was quite interesting. What, from the awkward seemingly sexual tension that i tried to ignore to the skinning of some poor little rabbit that almost caused me to gag.

Mr. Quentin was very adamant about frying the little fluffy critter and having some meat in out system instead of only bananas and plants. I found it kind of hard to eat the poor rabbit because i saw its fluffy skin being pulled off of its flesh but i chewed it down regardless.

After dinner, we all dispersed a bit, Tyler decided to wash up and go to bed early, with Liv following closely in his footsteps. Liv was like a baby when it came to food and sleep. Once she was fed, she was ready to crash. It was why our sleepovers always lasted till 12, Liv would always crash.

thinking about it now, all these little things seemed so meaningless when i was experiencing them, but now I feel like they mean the world.

“Honestly, can you hurry the hell up? I want to wash up too.” Ash made her way through the little maze that separates the sleeping area and the part of the pool where we bathed.

“Honey, you could try scrubbing off all the ugly but I’m telling you now that it ain’t going anywhere.” I mumbled indifferently.

Ash scoffed at me and sucked her teeth, “Can you just get out already?”

Honoring her stupid wishes, I motioned for her to go away so that i could get dressed in peace. My sleeping attire consisted of more casual day wear, like a tee shirt and sweatpants. Whereas Ash’s sleepwear consisted of a pink tank top and booty shorts. Gosh i hope she gets a shit ton of mosquito bites. Not from those malaria carrying critters but those normal ones that cause her discomfort so that I may laugh at her pain and not feel guilty at the possibility of her death. Yes, I do actually have a heart.

Leaving the pool, I arrive at the living area. Mr. Quentin and Craig were whispering to each other around the small fire that was used to roast the rabbit. Craig looked a bit flustered while Mr.Quentins jaw was tightly set.

Awkwardly cutting through the tension I smirk, “Is everything okay? Did I step into a lovers quarrel or something?”

Craig snapped his head up and chuckled at my joke while Mr. Grumpy pants reluctantly looked my way. What is his deal? At school he hates me, and I love messing with him. Here he has random spasms of affection whereas I still love messing with him. This dude is bipolar, at least I’m freaking consistent.

“No lovers quarrel here, sorry check the next bonfire,”Craig innocently stated while smiling like a little boy.

“Ha Ha, If there were any other bonfires around, I’d gladly join and not ruin the love fest you two have here but since we are stranded on this god forsaken island, I’m inviting myself to this testosterone party.”

Mr. Quentin tried to hold in a smile but I caught it just before it disappeared, “Oh Mr. Quentin was that I smile I saw!” I tease as i take a seat next to him and bump his shoulder. I’m really trying to be this dude’s friends, especially since I don’t know where we stand now that we are out here stranded. A friendly approach is the best thing to hope for because I can’t handle any more animosity, I have enough of that with Ash.

Mr.Quentin rolled his eyes and finally let himself smile, “Jesus Hannah, do you just thrive on cracking inappropriate jokes?”

“Yep.” Both Craig and I reply at the same time. I smile widely, feeling giddy at how well Craig knows me. Craig winks at me so discreetly that I barely catch it.

Mr.Quentin clears his throat and starts saying, “Listen you guys, I know we are all stranded on this island and all but I am still your teacher, I am still the adult here, a person that should protect you all and watch out for you guys. With that being said, I know are all probably sexually active...but I forbid any...”

“Woah there, slow down speed racer!” I cut him off. Craig just looks uncomfortable while I’m just horrified at where this conversation was going.

“Look I know you’re the eldest and stuff, But you’re not that old, How old are you even?”


“You’re 25, and we totally get how you have your teacher rules implanted in your head but you are barely older than us. I get how you are trying to be mom but we really don’t need it. We’re are all 18 or over here and if we want to sleep with each other, which i’m not saying is the case, then who cares, we aren’t in school anymore, and no offense to you as a person but you have no authority to tell us what we do here.” I rant.

“Also, screw you for assuming that we are all sluts.” I add.

“That’s not what I’m saying! I get that we’re all on our own here and that things between each of us is bound to change, it will because we are all living together now. Surviving together! I’m just trying to keep things as uncomplicated as possible! Besides surviving, do we really have the time for drama that romantic involvement would bring?”

Craig just looked so uncomfortable, he sunk down as if he wanted to be swallowed by the earth.

“Where is this even coming from?!? I’m fairly certain that this discussion could have waited since no one wants to screw anyone here!” My voice was starting to rise a couple of octaves.

“Oh please, I saw you and Craig make eyes at each other.” he said spitefully.

“Ok, I’m out. I’m definitely leaving this conversation.” Craig mumbled in the background but i barely heard him leave Mr.Quentin and I to intensely stare and scream at each other.

“Are you kidding me?! Craig is my best friend! We always make eyes at each other. So is that it? You’re concerned that I’m going to sleep with Craig?”

“Who else? It’s obvious you’ve been around, with all your inappropriate jokes.” He spat those words at me.

By this time I was fuming and ready to break down crying, seriously he thinks I get around more than Ash.

“You listen to me you asshole, I tried being our friend. As of now, I’m done trying. And for the record I don’t ‘get around’ I’ve never been around because I’m not a sleaze which you are obviously assuming that I am. And by doing that, You’ve lost all your rights to even speak to me you pompous prick.”

And with that I turn my back on him and go into the tent with the snoring Liv inside. Lying my head down on the sleeping bag pillow, I couldn't stop the tears that were escaping from the sides of my eyes. To top it all off, I wasn’t even sure of why what he said hurt so much.

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