The Clearing...15...

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The deeper we followed Killian and Brea into the forest, the more the landscape changed. We ventured past the territory that we explored (Which wasn’t much, considering that most of us were scared to go too deep in the forest). Now, we were way out of our safety zones since we passed the last tree we marked twenty minutes ago.

“How much further?” Craig asked swatting at a fly buzzing by his ear.

“Not too long, We’re almost at the clearing. A celebration is to be held for your arrival,” Brea turned her head slowly in our direction smiling excitedly.

Tyler, Craig and I looked at each other in confusion. Celebration?

I realized how little I knew about everything that was happening at the moment and how we all had to take extreme caution. My little victory dance was pure impulse and now I was just really confused.

Tyler seemed to be in a risk-taking mood because he asked, “Why is there a celebration being thrown?”

“For your induction of course. All will be explained once we get to the queen,” Brea explained vaguely.

“What the fu…?”


Everything was at another level of weird. The mutterings of the guys confirmed that much.

“While this might seem very unbelievable at first, I urge you all to hear everything we have to say before you pass any judgments, and when you first lay eyes on us, I urge you not to be afraid” Killian started walking backwards facing us with a big smile on his face.

It was amazing to see him avoid the dense twigs and branches that lined the floor and sides without looking where the was going. He almost seemed as if he floated through them.

“Watch your head!” I warned him against a tall branch that the was sure to hit his head on. He, however, in a split second, twisted his body around and gracefully ducked and climbed on the trunk of a tree, disappearing from sight. If I would have blinked I was sure that I would have missed his fast movements.

“Where did the go!?” Craig looked worriedly and cautiously up the tree the just climbed disappearing from sight. Never slowing down and expecting us to follow, Brea replied shaking her head disapprovingly, “He is showing off, or pulling another one of his tricks, do not worry, you will get accustomed to him eventually, and here I thought we were making a good first impression.”

“Why do you worry so much about what we think of you?” I asked absentmindedly. I shut my mouth as soon as I said it. I didn’t want to get on their bad side. For one, we knew nothing about them and two, there were surely a lot more of them in whatever clearing they were taking us to.

“Because soon you will join us. We do not want to have you think badly of our world. You will be in it soon.” Brea instead of leading, fell into step with the three of us now.

“We do want you to be as comfortable as possible for what you are about to hear. I know it might not be easy to understand at first. But I assure you we mean no harm,” Brea gave an encouraging smile. It seemed innocent enough, but I couldn’t deny the feeling in my stomach. Something weird was going on. Even the air felt different as we walked forward. As if it was wrapping and changing around us, through us. Through me.

Killian still hasn’t returned, which made me more confused than I already was, “Where is Killian?”

“Probably went on ahead of us or something. He has a short attention span,” Brea explained still in step with us. If you would see us from afar, you would assume we were just four friends taking a leisurely stride in the woods. But the situation was much more complicated than that.

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