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  I exhale slowly as I crouch behind a Bush. A huge wild bird picks at some Berries. She is my target. She looked big enough to feed all of us for the whole day! Plus, I would love to see the look on Mr. Quentin’s face when he sees my success. Take that you ignorant self-righteous prick!

With the knife in my hand, I tip toe closer to the pray. I exhale slowly once more and step on some soft leaves that cradle my shoes, not revealing my location.

The bird is still picking at the berries. Two more steps and the bird would fall in the snare trap I set up. It didn’t look exactly like I would imagine it would considering that I have never built one in my life.

The way I made this was by using shoelaces, vines, and brances in order to trap the poor bird inside. It would only have to hold it for a few seconds while I massacare the poor thing.

Too bad this damn bird was intching away from the trap and going in the opposite direction. Ugh!

Calmly trying to walk towards it so it could walk in the direction I want it to, i crincle some leaves as to alarm it.

It worked! the bird in shock stepped into the ring and got entangled. Seizing this opportunity, I jump from behind my bush and lunge at it. By now the bird was panicking and flailing around making it difficult for me to get to its neck.

Ow! The bird bit me as I tried getting my hand around its neck to snap it.

“That’s it! you are so going into bird hell!” Fearlessly and in rage I smack the bird on its stupid face earning another scratch on my hand.

Success! After my deathmatch with this bird I have finally managed to win the war! My stomach grumbled and i looked down at the poor creature.

“Sorry but survival of the fittest.” I look sadly at it and tie its legs and wings so that they won’t flail as i carry it back to camp. I wrap my bleeding hand in a strip of cloth i rip from my shirt. The bird was a worthy adversary because my hand stung like a bitch!

The way back consisted of alot of creepy shadows flying around because the canopy of the trees blocked out most of the light from coming in in this area of the forest.

The silent walk back to the camp gave me time to think. I wonder what my mom is thinking now that she most likely found out that the plane went MIA. She must be worried sick! Would I ever get back home? would i ever see any of the people I love again?

What about Mr. Quentin. Would we be able to put aside our differences and work together to survive? I know I am very hot headed but the is the epitome of infuriating! How would the tensions between us be resolved!? After all the said to me the other night. I don’t know what to make of it!

Was he jealous? Was he just spiteful? I can’t figure that man out! What’s worse is that the silence is giving me plenty of room to daydream about his soft looking lips.

Ugh! no stop! How could I be thinking about his kissable...I mean stupid face when the has been nothing but rude and condescending to me.

I sigh. I can’t believe I am having this pathetic inner monologue. Just as I snap out of my mind jumble I hear a ruffling of leaves.

I look around but all I see is streams of light randomly seeping through the canopy and greenery.

“Hello?” I say. Probably not the best idea, what if I’m attracting the attention of a killer wild animal.

“Shit, I’m scared. Okay breathe. get the fuck out.” I reassure myself. Great now I am talking to myself.

I try to fast walk out of the scary forest and find my way back to the people who I can trust with my safety but instead I trip awkwardly on a huge tree root. Peggy the bird ( i just named it) flopped next to me. I fall on my hurt hand and I hiss in pain realizing that I also scraped my leg on the way down.

I scold myself for being like a stupid girl in a horror movie. I get up and limp with peggy on my shoulder trying to ignore the pain. I try to imagine myself as a warrior returning back from battle triumphant but not unscathed. Putting on a brave face I look for the cause of the noise. Now the forest looks as empty as ever. Mind tricks! These are all mind tricks Hannah gosh!

Just as soon as I thought that I hear a voice say, “This part of the forest is dangerous sweets, You should stay away from it aye?” I turn around and see a gorgeous man with light brown hair and skin the color of a light mint green. His eyes are fully black, revealing no white in them whatsoever. But my god was the beautiful!

Terror and fascination run through my body as I look at this beautiful creation and the only thing that escapes my mouth was, “I like your abs.” he smirks and I black out from fright.


Tadaaaa! i was getting bored with the story so instead I decided to take it into a supernatural diretion because why the hell not! hope you all enjoy it!

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