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“So we have the food, and the shelter, now all we need is a rescue plan,” Tyler spoke aloud mostly to himself the next morning, trying to yet again assess our bleak looking situation.

“What don’t you get Tyler? Our only plan is wait to get found. We can’t exactly summon a ship out of thin air.” I snapped harshly. I was getting frustrated with all of the things that were happening in the span of such a short time.

“Woah, I’m just trying to be helpful. Keep us looking forward.” Tyler held up his hands in surrender.

I let out a long sigh and shook my head guiltily, “Sorry, I’m just on edge.”

“We’re all on edge.” Liv pointed out, not in a condescending way but in a distraught way. I hated seeing her like this, she was always such a happy girl. This past week is definitely taking a larger toll on us than I anticipated.

“I know.” I nodded. An overwhelming silence came over the six of us. We were sitting around the now ashy remains of where the bonfire was last night.

After we all woke up, we sort of gravitated towards the logs we placed around it and decided to have a sort of meeting. It started off with Mr. Quentin taking charge (what else is new) and giving us a useless pep talk about how we are going to survive this and what we all went though was horrible but we were still alive and we had to try and keep it that way, if not for us but to honor those who didn’t make it.

Everyone looked like they just didn’t want to hear it. Liv’s hair was messy, all our clothes were wrinkled. Ash had terrible dark circles, and our overall mood was exhausted and hopeless. Positivity seemed forced at this point, and I was willing to bet that even Mr. Quentin didn’t believe a single word he said.

Craig spoke about some of our accomplishments so far. We were able to find shelter, find food, which we will continue to do on routine hunting shifts. We created a path to the beach, and we go out exploring, marking trees with knives so that we know where we are and how to get back. Our resources from the luggages were organized and with much convincing finally was able to keep Ash away from all the soap and shampoo bottles that the wanted to sneak past us.

“Alright, so who is doing what today?” Ash asked.

“Well two of us have to go out hunting, The rest should go down to the beach and start building something noticeable and visible from a distance so that a ship could see it.” Liv mumbled intelligently.

I remained silent throughout the rest of the meeting, my little outburst made me feel guilty and I was gladly releasing any reign or authority over to Mr. Quentin. The first couple of hours we got to this damn island, all my leadership skills were adrenaline based. Now all I feel is emptiness. Like someone scooped something out of my soul and I have nothing else to say.

Mr. Quentin’s harsh judgement passed on me last night flitted through my thoughts, How dare he make such assumptions on someone he doesn’t even know. I look at the way he breathes, moving his arms and hands in accordance with his words as he explains whatever instructions he cooked up in his head. I watch the tilt of his head when he’s deliberating a decision. How could something so simple be so...mesmerizing. How come looking at him hurt so much and feel so good all at the same time.

“Hannah!” I suddenly realize that there were fingers being snapped in front of my face.

Snapping out of my creeper thoughts, I blink, “What did I miss?”

“You’re on hunter duty,” Ash smirks.

“No fair, I did it yesterday. Who decided this?” I huffed, Hunter duty isn’t as cool as it sounds. It involved a lot of silent crawling and getting dirty and waiting and having .001% luck if you’re me.

“Mr. Quentin,” Ashlin smirk still plastered on her face. She could sense some tension between us and she is just loving making it worse.

Deciding to to fuel the fire, I straighten up, “Fine, who am I going with?”

“We didn’t decide on that yet.” Tyler mumbles. I could see he felt bad that I got the short stick again but he wasn’t brave enough to venture out in the open and face the risk of danger.

“I’ll go with you if you want,” Craig smiles and leans into me comfortingly.

“No!” Mr. Quentin shouts a little to loudly. Ash looks annoyed and everyone just looks taken aback. “I mean, Craig is strong, he needs to help with the lifting of...things when we build the...other thing.” He finished off lamely.

“So you plan of sending me with?” I asked.

“Not it.”

“Not it.”

“Not it.”

Liv, Tyler, and Ash shout as they put their finger on their nose. I sigh heavily.

“Pussies, Fine, I’m going by myself. Ill be back in maybe 2 hours tops. Meet back here.” I started getting up.

“Ugh, how are we suppose to tell time, we have no watches?” Ash snobily asks.

“Oh my God Ashlin, I swear if you were any stupider you’d have no head because you wouldn’t need it to hold your brain. Just estimate, god dammit.” I exasperate though my teeth while running a hand down my face.

“You are such a bitch!” Ash tried to get at me, jumping off her log and ready to swing.

Craig pulls her back down with ease and tells her to relax. She huffs and turns to walk away.

“Hold up. Your are not going anywhere, the meeting is not finished.” Mr. Quentin tells her.

She turns around with a coy smile on her face. She thinks he wants her around. Dream on.

“And you, You’re not going hunting alone, something could happen.” He continues.

“Oh and what are you going to do? Stop me?”

“I’ll come with you,” he starts to get up.

He is delusional if he thinks I’m going to spend the next two hours with him, “I’d much rather go alone thanks.”


I cut him off, “Well I’m off, I’ll get the knife from the tent. Good talk guys, go do your things.”

I ignore his hard set jaw at my dismissal and puffed up chest. I walk away from him half expecting him to follow. He didn’t. Semi-disappointed, I walk over to the tent, grab the knife and fast walk out of the cavern, in search of something bigger and much more appetizing that a rabbit.

Location:Unknown (Being Rewritten) (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now