Girl with the Birds...13...

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A mint green hand pulled itself higher on the rock. Behind it the could see the girl with the birds and another man splashing water at her. The man looks tensely to the opening of the cavern but she never noticed his behavior. She was having fun.

She kept diving under the water and reemerging with a bright smile on her face. The one with the black eyes speculated that she was smiling because of the man in the water with her. The felt a bit annoyed at this realization.

From all the times his black eyes have watched this tiny group of humans, the favoritism shown to the girl with the birds could not be denied. Seeing the pretty man with the blue eyes put a smile on her face made him grumble. Supposing he should be happy that she was no longer looking sullen and depressed, his mint green flesh and black eyes sighed.

“Killian, you have been watching these invaders since the moment they got here. Do you not think it time to either get rid of them or bring them to the tribe?” a girl with skin as white as milk and hair a shade darker than her complexion spoke,

“Shush Brea, give them a bit more time, the rest need to wrap their head around this place, however the girl with the birds is making me lean towards the ladder.”

“Is that what you are calling her now? Mother give me strength,” She looked to the sky as if praying, “You have been spying on this lot long enough that you have learned their names, call them as such.” Brea looked at her clean nails and shook her head. All along the outsider side of her arms, tiny crystals seemed to reflect the light. Her light blue  cotton dress seemed to be the only color on her.

“I know their names yes, but if we are to bring them to the tribe they will be given the chance to choose a new identity. Do you not remember your name?” Killian justified.

“I have chosen to forget it, nothing special was associated with it really.” She shrugged and pulled at his arm, “Constantina shall be worried.”

“My mother is often worried, give me a few more minutes, I like the way this Hannah swims.” Killian indulged Brea by using her human name then focused his black eyes on her again.

“I think its time for us to get out, the others should be back by now, its almost dark out,” Mr. Quentin sighs, swimming towards the edge of the pool.

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” I sighed as well and follow him to where most of our clothes lie.

Once we get to the edge, he gets out of the pool and stretches. Oh lord give me strength to not do things to this man right here and now, I pray.

The catches me staring from the side of his eye and smirks. That little tease.

“You know, you’re still a teacher, you shouldn’t be teasing students sir.” I tease back in a sultry voice.

I see him gulp, something snapping him out of this happy daze, “What’s wrong?” I get out of the pool as well and place my palm on his back.

His tight muscles tense underneath my palm, “It’s reminded me of what we are, I’m your teacher.”

“Not out here you are not.” I try to console him, the can’t just demean the kiss and good time we just had.

“It doesn’t matter where we are!” he snaps.

I flinch away from him, I looked down at my feet and try to hide the anger that’s building inside me. I know exactly where the is going with this. It’s the same place most guys always go after they lead a girl on.

“I don’t feel like playing games, what are you trying to say?” I ask.

“I’m trying to say,” Mr. Quentin pauses and puts his firm hands on my arms, “That I’m sorry if it seemed like I was taking advantage of you. I wasn’t trying to. I couldn’t control this...wild urge that washed over me, I’m so sorry but once we get off this island, we will have the knowledge of what went on here and I don’t want one of those things to get us both in trouble.”

“So what you are telling me tight now is that that kiss was a mistake huh?” I scoff, rolling my eyes.

“No! I’m not saying that at all.” the touches my face gently with his callous fingers.

“What I’m saying is that is should not happen again, and that I feel too strongly for you to take advantage of any any feelings you have for me knowing that when we get off this island, nothing could happen, so I’m going to do my best to stay away from you,” he choked out the words as if the was breaking up with me. In all honesty it felt as if the really was.

I wasn’t willing to admit that I liked him more than what was accepted by society before but now, we weren’t in society. Why was it so hard for him to let go of those nonsense restrictions placed on us.

“What if we never go back?” I asked sullenly.

“Don’t say that! We can’t think like that...please...I can’t have you think like that,” he breathes while still holding my face.

“Why not?” I close my eyes into his palm.

“Because, I still have hope. And I will get you out of here, I promise.” His face was so close I could feel his hot breath on my cheek.

I leaned in towards his lips, I felt him try to pull away but the temptation was too strong, he leaned in and captured my mouth savagely.

We kissed for a few seconds until the pulled away roughly, “We can’t.” his face looked pained, but the was strong enough to gather his clothes off the floor and walk away from me.

I sighed, I knew it was too good to be true. People always play with my expectations and dissapoint me. I don’t know why I was even surprised anymore. \

I dress quickly and leave the pool before I see a glimmer of something behind a rock.

I lean to the side and see a white silhouette. What the hell? But before my brain could register what I’ve been seeing, the figure disappears and I’m left staring at emptiness. I would honestly blame it on the trick of the light but from what I have witnessed in the forest earlier, I scurry out of the small maze and back to the tents, Something freaky is going on on this island and despite the fact that I was scared shitless, I put on my brave face and prepare myself for all the fuckery that would probably ensure.




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