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Craig’s body hit the ground with a thump. He laid still on the ground below, everyone stopped dancing immediately after his body dropped. Cassidy covered her mouth with her tiny hands in fright, eyes wide, body hovering over him worriedly. She eased his head onto her lap and looked around, waiting for someone to explain what was going on with her Iel.

“What happened?” Liv rushed over from a group of faeries she found herself dancing with and came over to the the rest of us. I was trying to process the information but nothing clicked. Moments ago were were all dancing in a frenzy, and now Craig laid still on a bed of grass.

The silence was finally broken by Brea, “He is starting to show the change. Transitioning into a Sidth differs for everyone. It’s not so certain how long considering that It hasn’t happened in over many, many years. It appears though that his process has been sped up, probably due to finding Cassidy,” Brea explained.

“What is he changing into?” I questioned hesitantly, looking at a still Craig.

“A sidhe, I said it just seconds ago.” Brea looked annoyed.

“No, that’s not what I meant. I mean what kind, you said you were a what? What is he? What are we going to be?” I asked quickly earning agreements from the rest of my friends.  

“It is too early to tell, we can only wait until he wakes to know for sure. To know the first signs of what his new life will be lived as.”

“Fantastic,” I sighed and wrapped my arms around myself, “So what are you guys then?”

“Well you know what I am, I’m a sprite!” Killian jumped in all proud of himself, “We’re pretty prominent. Kind of royalty but hey, I’m not bragging,” His Green skin appeared to glow as the said it, radiating power and a cheshire smile.

“I am a Fresh water Nereid, I am able to be above ground If I am near a source of Fresh water. The island is filled with streams, It is a gift I am most grateful for that I am able to move so freely. I don’t know what i’d do if I were and oceanaid. ” Brea looked relieved.

“What are those things?” I asked, looking at the smokey figures. Or rather, One smokey figure. His hood clung to him in smokey wisps, Chestnut hair flailing messily around his head.

“Spriggans. Spriggans are our guardians, or bodyguards. Our warriors. They range from many different faery type–”

“Aha! So you are fairies! I knew it! I didn’t wanna say it but...” Liv fist pumped, happy that someone said what everyone was thinking.

“Yes. Sithe are as you humans call Faeries. Not Fairies. Thats a type of Sithe. Dont worry, you’ll all learn with time,” Brea explained loosely, “As of now, we should concern ourselves with the novice. He’ll be quite confused when he wakes up. Poor soul.”

Cassidy glared at her, jealousy taking over her tiny frame. It left as soon as she saw me watching. The poor girl blushed cutely.

I winked at her, I knew girl talk, girl feelings. Jealousy was just part of girl world. I thought about Ash but immediately pushed it out of my mind. It wasn’t her fault that Mr. Quentin was a sleaze. Plus, I had a more pressing matter at hand. That pressing matter? Craig.

“Can we get him to like a fairy hospital or something. You people have to have one of those right?” I sighed.

“Trandul, Groth, bring the stretcher. We need to get Craig to Davyl. He’ll take care of him. We need to set up rooms for the novices in the castle as well. My queen, if you grant me the responsibilities over the novices, I will make sure everything is taken care of,” Brea barked orders and stood up for the queen and bowed. She was on a roll today. I silently cheered her one. Girl power; it was mesmerizing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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