We all go down...3...

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Screams and shouts erupted around me, gas masks dropped immediately and everyone was gabbing for one. Liv was squeezing my hand painfully, she was always a bad flyer but this had to be terrifying for her. For everyone.

                I couldn’t bring myself to comprehend what was happening. I mean, these things don’t happen to me. A crash was very unlikely, they had everything checked and ready right? And as I was trying to convince myself, I was petrified as the plane kept falling, never once did the pilot regain control and never once did he come back on the intercom.

                As the reality of it hit me, I had a very very bad feeling we were going to die. What would my mom think? Will they ever find the plane? What about all the people here too, they had parents, boyfriends, sisters, brothers! And we would die! We would all die and no one would know.

                I was a realist, I knew it, so I braced myself for whatever would come, I never really have been afraid of death, it’s gonna happen eventually right? So I sat there thinking if I had any regrets. Cheating on some tests here and there but hey, we all do it, I lived my life well enough for my standard for a 17-18  year old girl. Hmm pretty sad to die without meeting the one person I loved, or having…you know. And one more thing, I should have kissed Mr. Quentin just for the heck of it. I’m going to die anyway.

                I contemplated getting out of my seat and smocking him but I knew that everyone was petrified and just because I was amazing and came to terms with death pretty quickly doesn’t mean that everyone else did. For all I knew, they were scared shitless.

                I didn’t want to drown though, that would suck very much, I heard it was the number one worse way to die. How sad. I didn’t want to go like that so, lets see, in the couple second I have, I should think of some very nice creative PAINLESS ways to die. So I listed the best ways in my head while everyone was holding their seats for their life. Hmm, in your sleep is the best way, quick and easy ways… let’s see, shooting yourself in the head.

                No, that won’t do, I have no gun, next…Bleeding to death by wrist cutting. No, no, messy and painful. So might as well just forget all this killing myself and let nature run its course right? I mean if it’s my time, it’s my time. Eh.

                “Why aren’t you screaming?!?!!?” Screamed Liv.

                “Cause we going to die whether I scream or not so, lets just relax and you know, wait for this shindig to go down.” I explained calmly. Don’t get  me wrong I was scared pants less but on the other hand not really. Oh silly Hannah, full of contradictions.

                Liv looked at me as If I was nuts but said, “If we die, we better be roommates in heaven!”

                “What makes you think I’m going to heaven silly!?” I joked. Yes, I still have the audacity to still joke as I drop to my death. I’m… I’m…something.

                “Guys we are Going to dye!! Oh, my god without me, my sister is going to murder my dog!!” Tyler screamed in panic behind me. so he wasn’t scared that he was going to dye, but he was scared that his sister will kill his dog if he was gone? Oh Jesus.

                “You are SO stupid. Shut up, We are going to die for Christ sake, get with the damn program!” yelled Ash, ha-ha, oh man, what was wrong with us, we were about to die but we really didn’t believe it, so we just joked about it. Yeh, when scared, laugh it off. That’s what I say.

                Craig looked as if he was about to puke, his light brown hair messy, I remember him telling me  that one of his biggest fears was falling. Oh he must feel terrible now.  I looked for Mr. Quentin and wondered what he was doing now, I finally spotted him in the row in front of Craig and he looked as if he was trying to calm a girl student down, not doing a great job since his hand was shaking and his expression was pure mortification.

                Finally, the plane hit water hard and you could hear breakage in the back of the plane, shouts of agony was everywhere, and slowly the plane started to fill with water quickly. Shit!! Drowning is so not in my agenda to do this week. Neither was a damn plane crash.

                “Oh my god!” Liv cried, the water rising already up to our knees. I knew the plane was already under water because of the pressure I suddenly felt in my ears and head but the cylinder shape of the plane was filling now and the plane was getting wrecked.

Our heads and everything else was underwater now and  I tried to unlock my seatbelt but it fucking jammed! I saw people dying around me as I kept my eyes open under water and Some trying to find an exit to swim to the surface.

I was strating to run out of oxygen and my vision was blurry, however I saw that some pople found an exit and were making their ways out of the metal tomb. Some of my friends part of the crew. I kept trying to open my seat belt but it wouldn’t open and I locked it pretty tight around me, that I couldn’t even slide from under it! My belt was caught in it as well making it impossible for me to get out. Fuck! So I could actually have a chance to survive but I’m going to die juts because I chose to wear a stupid belt today.

                My lungs were burning now and I started to close my eyes, the pain in my chest was excruciation and fighting the seatbelt was wearing me down and making it hurt more. Then I knew I was done for. Then I felt something touch my lips, with much effort, I opened my eyes to see Mr. Quentin magically open my seatbelt and kiss me, giving me air to breath, but if I took his air what would he  have?

                He pulled me out of my seat and we swam, avoiding carry on’s, looking around I saw people in their seats looking as if they were sleeping but I knew they were dead. I looked forward, not wanting to see any more of the sadness, these people were my friends.

                Ms. Applesteam was in her chair, looking ghostly pale, she was my favorite math teacher. And Amanda, And Trevor. All dead. I tried not to cry and kept swimming as fast as I could because the longer we waited to lower the plane will take us with it, then the current will crush us.

                Somehow we made it through the door and we swam upwards but we were trying to avoid the debris and human bodies, some didn’t make it to the top. The whole ocean was scattered with bodies and blood.

                Suddenly I felt terrible pain in my left arm, noticing it came from a piece of metal form the exterior or the plane. Startles I gasped, making water fill my lungs and burn me. I felt myself start to drift off. This time there was not chance, Mr. Quentin was in front of me so he wouldn’t see me, I was hurt and I had no air, and all I could think of as I slipped into oblivion was how Mr. Quentin tried to save me and filled my last wish. He kissed me. I had a smile on my lip, when everything turned black.


i know this is super depressing. smh, o well! enjoy, please comment, vote.... u know the drill. 

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