Jungkook shook his head a little, "I'm fine eomma. Just focus on healing"

"Now now, I'm not dying. I can handle myself" she giggled, the sweet song of her voice being soft and warm, "why don't we talk about something happy? I haven't really talked to you since I've come back"

Jungkook chuckled at how she worded that. "Since I've come back.." it made it sound as if she were on holiday and just came home.

"Like what eomma? What would you like to know?" He relaxed back in the chair and his mom also readjusted herself in the bed.

"Well for starters, maybe you could explain why a certain scent radiates from you?" She wore a cheeky grin and raised eyebrows, it caused Jungkook to smile at her silliness. "Did you and a certain omega that I-won't-name-but-admittedly-love-very-much-like-my-own-child take some .. steps? In your relationship?"

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh loudly at his mother's question. She was like a teenager at times and it really made Jungkook realises how much he missed his eomma. How much she truly means to him. How much he really loved her.

"Eomma.. seriously?"

"Well is there a better way to word it? I'm not going to ask my adult son did he screw his mate yet? That's inappropriate!" She threw a feign tantrum and rolled her eyes playfully at Jungkooks loud laughter. She was happy she had made her son smile, even just for a moment. As is a mother's joy to make their child happy.

"Oh my, you are so extra it's just-" Jungkook cut himself off because he was laughing so hard. Tears rolled down his cheeks he couldn't help it. Soon however, the tears became sad. Painful. Jungkook cried. Within seconds his mind flipped from laughter to crying.  Jungkook hates how much he has cried in these past few months. It made him feel weak.

"I-I'm sorry.. I'll stop- I'll stop" Jungkook whispered to his eomma as he hung his head in his hands.

Jaeeun reached forward from her bed and pulled Jungkook up to her. He lay down at her side, cuddled beside her as she ran her fingers gently through his hair. As she had done when he was a child.

"My darling, don't ever apologise for feeling. This world has become so focused on the idea of being perfect.. of being emotionless... don't ever become like that. Let yourself feel. Let yourself be alive. Cry my darling, cry till your eyes go dry. I'll be here. Eomma's got you. You're okay" she soothed her son as he did exactly that. He cried. He felt. He lived.

Eventually his tears stopped and his breathing calmed, but he remained in his mother's arms. Happy, safe, comfortable.

"I miss him... and he's just... he's so broken eomma... I can't help him." Jungkook whispered, his throat a bit dry from crying.

Jaeeun hummed as she continued to run her long fingers through his dark hair, "it's tough darling. There's no point in lying to you, it's really tough."

A moment of silence followed before..

"I marked him." Jaeeun could feel her son smile without even seeing him, "he's mine now. All mine. I love him eomma, I really do"

Jaeeun bent her head down a bit a placed a warm kiss atop her son's forehead, "I'm so proud of you. You not only have become an honourable and good alpha, you've become a mate, a good mate. I'm so unbelievably proud of you my darling"

Jungkook almost wanted to cry at her soft words, he didn't know how much they meant to him until he heard them.

"You're the only person who can feel what he feels. Yoongi... the omega of Serenity... they can feel all of us with the touch of a finger... amazing power that holds great pain.. and now you, you are the only one who can feel them. I believe in you my son, it's hard, and he's gonna fight you, but you can help him." Jaeeun reassured him as best she could.

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