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Here we go! Please read end note too.


"Why are you so cute? i just wanna hug u and squish ur cheeks and UGHHHHHHHHH 💜💜💜"

Yoongi: Oh my goodness, you're too sweet 😅 I wouldn't consider myself cute-

Jungkook: you're cute. And his cheeks are very squishable.

Yoongi: *intense blushing*

"What did you think of Jungkook when you first saw him?"

Yoongi: ummm well, at first I was scared of him. I don't really have a good past with alphas, but I soon noticed his scent, I calmed down a bit.
Also he's very pretty ☺️😅

Jungkook: so you think I'm pretty?


*apologies for the disturbance in our broadcast*

"Can you tell me more of your powers and stuff, just between the both of us, promise 🤐"

Yoongi: to be honest I don't know that much, I learn as I go. Growing up it was more about hiding me and my powers. It's only now that I can try stuff. But I'm afraid. What if I hurt somebody, also not everyone knows about what I am, not even Jungkook-

Jungkook: I don't know what?

Yoongi: emmm that me and ani were gonna bake you surprise brownies! Oh no! You've ruined the surprise! *yoongi runs away*

Jungkook: NO WAIT! I want brownies!! *chases after yoongi*

"How do you feel about TaeTae being you're right hand man? Love you btw 🤗😍"

Yoongi: Aww thank you, love you too. I'm really happy with Taehyung being my Omega of Equanimity. He's perfect for the position. He has so much potential and hidden abilities. I'm so excited for him to fully grow. Also he's a very nice and caring hyung. He makes me feel so at home in the pack house. ☺️

"How do you feel about Jimin after him being a dick to you? Love you Bby!!😘😘"

Yoongi: Oh no! Jimin-hyung is fine! He's just frustrated and stressed and y'know I understand, he's okay. To me he's still a very good alpha. Also please don't call him, y'know, a peepee. Thanks.
Also love you too ☺️

"Can I adopt you? Please ):"

Yoongi: emmm I already got my Mama and Appa, but in spirit you can ☺️


"How are you feeling for being the future pack alpha?"

Jungkook: I'm nervous, not going to lie. Yet calm? I've been preparing for this my whole life, so I know how everything goes. I'm more nervous for Yoongi, he's suddenly being thrown into this position. I'm nervous for him, yet I want to be strong. I need to be strong.

"What were your first thoughts on yoongi?? Love you bunny boy!!"

Jungkook: bunnybo- do you know what, okay, I love you too sweetheart.
My first thoughts on yoongi were "holy shit"
Literally. I couldn't believe how beautiful he is, and his scent! Oh god his scent is divine! I just wanted to wrap him up in my arms and never let go.
After I heard he wasn't of age, I felt a bit upset. Fear struck me, what if he isn't my mate?
But I know he is.
He has to be.
I've never felt like this for anyone before.

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