Chapter 6

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Authors note!!
Omg guys!

Moiety has hit 100 reads!  (As of writing this chapter) This is so nice, thank you all so much xxxY'all making me blush ☺️Also I can read all the comments, but for some reason cannot respond at the moment, but know that I do see, and appreciate th...

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Moiety has hit 100 reads! (As of writing this chapter)
This is so nice, thank you all so much xxx
Y'all making me blush ☺️
Also I can read all the comments, but for some reason cannot respond at the moment, but know that I do see, and appreciate them
Thank you all!
Enjoy the chapter!


"Oh my goodness you are just adorable!" Seokjin exclaims while pinching Yoongis cheeks.

All seven of them are gathered in the front living room, greeting the young omega.
Yoongi stands between Namjoon and his mate, allowing his face to be abused as he studies the man before him.

Namjoons mate, whom he is yet to learn the name of, is very handsome. He's tall, dark hair and eyes and has very plump lips. He smiles as he speaks with a soft, comforting voice.

"Jin sweetie, I think you're hurting him..." Namjoon places his hands softly on top of Jins.
"Oh sorry," Jin sheepishly replies, "let me start again," jin takes a step back, folding his hands neatly in front of him, "my names Seokjin, but please call me Jin"
"Hello Jin, I'm Yoongi" yoongi shyly offers his hand to shake, with which Jin responds by hugging him closely.
"Ah Joon! He's too precious"Jin coos loudly.
"I know sweetie, let the boy breathe" Namjoon once again saves his cousin from his mates death grip.

"Yoongi, I'd like you to meet my friends," Namjoon turns yoongi to face the other 4 boys in the room.

"This is Jimin, he's an alpha like me," namjoon bends down to whisper in his ear "he's very good at persuasion" Namjoon gives a small wink to which yoongi raises a brow, persuasion?

"Hi yoongi, it's nice to meet you" Jimin gives an eye smile while shaking yoongis hand.
Yoongi nods shyly, responding with a small hello.

"This is Hoseok,"
"Hi there! Hey let me ask you, how do you run so fast?!" The walking sun beamed.
Yoongi takes a moment to adjust his eyes before respond with a short shrug.

"This is-"
"Hi! I'm Taehyung! But you can call me Tae! And I'm an Omega like you!"
Yoongi smiles. He's funny. Yoongi appreciates Taes hyper personality.
That and he's hoping to get closer to the omega, he never had omega friends before and is definitely excited.

"And lastly Jungkook"
Yoongis eyes widen as the handsome alpha steps forward,
"Hello yoongi, it's nice to meet you" he bows shortly with a dreamy smile that makes yoongi swoon. Mentally of course.

"Jungkook is the head Alphas son" Namjoon whispers into yoongis ears, to which he visibly tenses.
"S-sorry for casing s-such trouble, s-Sir" yoongi stutters while bowing his head.
Jungkook let's out a small chuckle, amused at the Omegas behaviour,
"There's no need for that, and please call me Jungkook" he raises the Omegas head by placing his finger delicately under his chin. Their faces are now just inches from each other and yoongi gets a better look at the alpha.

Once again he is in shock at the boys beauty.
The same goes for Jungkook, now with close proximity to the omega, he can feel his Alpha grow more possessive.
When suddenly...


Everyone turns to face the young Alpha, his eyes have turned a light golden shade, and his alpha pheromones soon flood the room.

"Called it!" Hoseok called from the chair he was sitting on, unbothered by the situation.

"He hasn't reciprocated..." Jimin let's out just above a whisper.
The tension settles in the room, all eyes landing in yoongi, who just stares at the ground in response to the heavy alpha scent in the air.

"Yoongi cant reciprocate. He isn't of age" Namjoon stares in disbelief.

It's rare, yet not unheard of, for an alpha to claim an omega before they come of age.
It's usually a sign of a close blood bond... or a forced mate.
Everyone prayed it was the first one.

Yoongi who has kept his eyes fixed on the floor behind to panic.
Oh no.. I'm not good enough. I know it and my omega knows it. I feel so guilty that his alpha has claimed someone as pathetic as me. This wasn't the plan! I wasn't meant to find a mate?! What will Head Alpha say?! He'll be furious! Oh god I'm so dead! I'm so-

These sudden waves of peace wash over yoongi. He blinks a few times, allowing his mind to focus after the small panic he'd went through.
He finally realises the situation he's in.

All the alphas are on guard, obviously sensing the distress scent from the omega. Jin and Tae are standing back, not daring to stand before the tense alphas.
And yoongi. Standing with two warm arms wrapped tightly around him

He looks up to be greeted by pure beauty.
He holds him tightly, yet with nothing but care.
Jungkook releases calming pheromones and whispers sweet words into the Omegas ear.
"You're okay, I've got you. You're safe"

I'm safe.
And suddenly Yoongi can breathe again.

After a few moments, and all the tension dies down, Jungkook releases Yoongi slowly.
Staring deeply into his eyes, Jungkook places a small kiss on Yoongis temple.
Jungkook goes to take a step back when he suddenly feels a hand pulling his sleeve.


"S-safe..." he whispers.
And Jungkook clearly understands. He takes yoongis smaller hand into his own and intertwined their fingers
"Safe" he states back to him.

That's the end the chapter!
A slightly shorter chapter sorry!
Just a bit of character establishment.
So Jungkook knows yoongi is his mate, yet yoongi cannot know, not mate with Jungkook until after he turns 18.
Please share your thoughts on the story, is it moving to fast? Too slow?
Let me know x
That's all I guess...

Word count : 983 words


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