Chapter 43

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Step. Step. Step.
Breathe. Huff.
Step. Step. Step.

Jungkook continued this pattern for almost an hour and a half, much to the dismay of the two other alphas in the room.
Jimin and Namjoon sat worriedly in two armchairs, Jimin had his head resting in his hands.
"Jungkook I swear on every god and goddess above if you don't stop fucking pacing-"

"Jimin" Namjoon cut him off. Jimin looked at him with frustration when joon gestured his head to the anxious alpha before them.
Jimin finally lifted his head and looked at his best friend.
Oh god...

In all his years of knowing Jungkook, never, never has he seen him like this. The alphas eyes kept switching between their natural brown, to red, to black. His alpha obviously wanting to go feral and protect their mate properly.
Anyone could see it, the blame, the guilt that sat heavily on his shoulders and clouded his mind.
Jungkook continued pacing, every once in a while muttering a few words. Usually along the lines of "I should have done better" and "I've failed"

Jimin hated seeing his friend in such distress. The tension in the room drowned out all other emotions.

Jin and three other pack doctors and surgeons were in the clinic, trying their best to heal yoongi.

It's been almost 3 hours now, Jungkook has bitten his nails right to the bed, making them bleed and become very painful. Yet he did not care, nothing else mattered right now other than yoongi.

A nurse finally left the clinic and walked towards the three alphas. Everyone ignored the concerning amount of blood on her scrubs. Namjoon and Jimin stood, they too met the nurse half way.

"Well?" Jungkook chokes out. His voice almost failed him and he mentally cursed for exposing his weakness.

The nurse wore a kind, sugar sweet smile. It almost reminded the alpha of his mate, who we all know was sweet like sugar too.

"Yoongi is still in surgery. He sustained a lot of serious injuries. Normally our bodies can repair themselves quicker than those of humans, but unfortunately yoongis body is past that point. He's been holding himself together too long, he no longer can help himself."

Jungkooks fists tightened at his sides. His eyes continued flashing like crazy, warning the nurse to be careful with her next words.
The beta nurse took a step back, the other two alphas nodded in understanding.

"Despite that, however, yoongi is recovering. We were able to stop all his major bleeders and now we're trying to re-aline the bones in his arm. They were broken quite harshly." Her voice became quieter in the end, she mentally prepared herself to flee if the alpha before her does in fact go feral.

Yet Jungkook stayed strong. He took deep breaths through his nose and closed his eyes for a brief moment.
"What about taehyung?" Jungkook spoke quietly through minimal lip movements.

"Taehyung, he's doing okay. He's severely dehydrated and starved. A few light injuries across his abdomen, probably punches or kicks. Other than that, we expect him to wake soon." She smiled once again, trying her best to reassure him that everything would be okay.

"Thank you" Jungkook sighed before turning and waking back to his pacing spot.

The nurse left and the room became silent again. Apart from the patter of the alphas feet of course.

"Kook? You wanna go check on Tae?" Namjoon asked softly, trying to get the alpha to focus on something else. He knew it wouldn't work, but it never hurt to try.

"No. Thank you hyung, honestly I'd rather stay here and wait for yoongi" Jungkook gave his best attempt at a smile. It wasn't much, simply the slight lift of the corners of his mouth, yet his eyes told the truth. His eyes showed all his pain.

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