Chapter 32

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Run faster.
Goddammit FASTER.

Yoongi ran with all his strength out to the gardens where his mate stood.
Luna followed behind, but even at her full strength she was no where as fast as yoongi.

Yoongis mind focused on one thing, and one thing alone.

Why is he feral? What happened?!

After reaching the garden, yoongi froze, standing alongside the others in a circle surrounding the feral alpha. You could feel the tension in every breath, of every person who stood in the area.

Yoongi took a deep breath, he was about to enter the circle when an arm pulled him back.

"What the-"
"Shhh, he's gone too far, he needs to calm down himself" hoseok warned.

"I can handle this hobi! Let me go!" The omega struggled to free their arm from the alphas grip.
Soon others joined, blocking the omega from reaching his mate.

Yoongi had had enough, he released an ear busting scream and pushed with all his strength.
After freeing himself he then launched over to his still feral alpha, who was currently being contained by 5 other alphas, including Alpha Jeon and Namjoon.

Once Namjoon made eye contact with yoongi, he moved to the side, giving the omega access.

Yoongi took slow steps towards his mate. He needed to touch him, calm him, but he couldn't do that if he got attacked before hand.

"Hey baby, it's me, it's yoongi, let me help okay?"

Yoongi received a sharp growl. A warning for him not to get any closer. Which he obviously ignored.

"Shhhh it's okay, it's just me. C'mon Kookie, you're okay, just relax."

Jungkooks body remained tense, he was in a position to jump at anyone necessary, ready to attack at the drop of a pin.

Yoongis mind was going a hundred miles a minute. What was he to do? He can't help his mate if he doesn't get closer to him, but he also can't help his mate if he gets killed.

Yoongi starts off by releasing a strong dose of his pheromones. He notices the other alphas visibly change under his scent, but he ignores that for now, his mind remained focused on only one alpha, his alpha.

Jungkook body freezes as it catches the scent, yoongi takes this chance to jump at his mate, allowing his alpha strength to pin Jungkook down.

After the short struggle from Jungkook, yoongi receives a sharp bite to his hand. The omega avoids screaming in pain and instead quickly slaps his hands into his mates face. The elder thrashed, desperate to throw off the 'attacker'.

Yoongi focused on Jungkooks mind. Searching for a strong enough memory. Something, anything strong enough to overrule the feral instinct.

Yoongi could feel the alphas anger, he could feel the fear and pain he was he. Yoongi was sobbing harshly as he worked. His heart was breaking, What cause his mate to freak out like this?!


"FINALLY!" Yoongi screamed as he finally snatched the memory. One of pure joy, a rare memory to find in people. Thank the lord that Jungkook had such happy memories.

Jungkook now froze. His mind finally filled with joy, with serenity.
It was like a daze for the alpha, like a blurred memory. One second he was pulling weeds and the next he has a crying mate on top of him,
Wait- crying?!

Yoongi dropped from his mates grasp, falling to the grass below.
He felt so much.
He felt all the pain within his mates mind. Every damn second of pain he'd ever felt, now resides within yoongi. Not to mention the throbbing pain in his hand.
His body was slipping from consciousness. He was exhausted. There was too much to handle in such a short time frame.

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