Chapter 5

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Finally! Yoongi mentally screamed as he ran effortlessly through the woods.
He easily dodged every branch and log, every rock or dip in the ground.
Yoongi loves his heightened sense of awareness. It made running all the more fun.

Typically Yoongi is a shy and quiet person, he doesn't think very much of himself and tends to stand small in an attempt to blend in.
However that's not the case when he's running.
Yoongis fast. Very fast. When yoongi was running, a whole new world of confidence and power surges through his veins.
This is his prime. When he's running.

After a short 15 mins yoongi finds himself edging closer to the pack territory .
Damn, that's a new record ... yoongi smirked at himself, proud that he could cover the same distance of the hour long car journey in just 15 minutes.

Now the sudden thought of danger daunts on yoongis mind, what if they're bad alphas- Yoongis thoughts are it short when he starts getting chased by an alpha.


"Kook!" A voice calls out. Jungkook turns to see Jimin coming towards him.
"What's up Jimin?"
"Did you finish up with the RedStone pack?" He asks while walking beside Jungkook, heading into the front garden.
"Yeah, their Head Alpha Seungcheol is very nice, theyll be going into a meeting soon."
"Shouldn't you attend tha-"

Jungkook runs towards Hoseok who's also running towards him.
"There's an intruder!"
"What?" Jungkook asks in disbelief.
"are you sure it not just a guest?" Jimin now asks
"It's a single person, foreign smell, somethings .. different about them. I'd like to check it out." Hoseok now looking back to Jungkook.
Jungkook takes a minute to think, "fine, catch them, but do not harm them."
"What if he can't catch them?" Jimin asks,
"Can't catch them?" Jungkook asks in disbelief, "I have trust in my fastest pack member.

Hoseok smirks momentarily before sprinting off, ripping his shirt off in the process.

Back to our favourite lil meow meow...

Shit! He's fast!
Yoongi continues to dart threw the woods, taking sharp turns and dodging trees just in an attempt to throw off the alpha on his tail.
You may wonder why yoongi doesn't stop and explain his situation, but you see, he's an omega, and while being chased by an obviously strong alpha, kinda sends him into fight or flight mode.
And when yoongi flies, he runs.

Why won't he slow down?! Hoseok thinks to himself.
"Hey! Stop! You're trespassing on BlackQuartz territory!" Hoseok calls out for the third time, yet each time he is met with nothing but silence.
Fuck this, let's stop him. And with that thought, Hoseok speeds up, surprisingly using his fullest speed in an attempt to catch the trespasser.

Yoongi panics for a moment when he notices the alpha speed up, he's takes a short, rushed breath before pushing his entire body to the fullest
Allowing his fastest speed to take over.

Holy fuck! Hoseok chases the intruder in disbelief. He's never met ANYONE this fast before.
Soon the pack house comes into view, we'll catch him there.
Hoseok sends a pack mind link to Jungkook , (A.N. all pack members can mind link)
To stop the culprit when he passes by the house.

Back to our lil bunbun ...

Jungkook pov

I gather Jimin and Namjoon to stand with me at the house gates.
Hoseok linked me a moment before stating that they would pass by soon, and that we're to stop him.
Why can't he just catch him?!

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