Chapter 3

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*Ding Dong *

"Coming!" Haneul called while making her way down the hall.  She walked with a bounce to her step.
She opened the door with a slight swing, "Yoongi!" She gasped excitedly while wrapping her arms around her sons neck.
"Eomma I-I cant breathe-" yoongi struggles against his mothers death grip.
"Oh sorry," she takes a step back, realising her strength, "I've just missed you sweets, you usually only come on Sundays- wait, today's not Sunday is it?" a small wave of concern washed over her face and Yoongi couldn't hold back his giggle.

Haneul was a great mom, the best in Yoongis eyes. She was short like him only an inch in the difference. She had short brown hair that cropped at her shoulders, her bangs rested gently above her chocolate eyes.
Yoongi has always been close to his mothers, what can he say? He's a mammas boy!
Despite being a strong and powerful Alpha, Haneul took the maternal roll easily. Substituting her morning run with the pack, to a morning feed with her favourite little boy.
Of course she had an older son, Chulsoon.
So it was only natural to fall back to instincts when Yoongi was born.

After welcoming her son inside and offering him a hot chocolate, Haneul addressed the elephant in the room,
"So sweets, what brings you back to our humble abode?" A sweet smile rests on her doll like lips.
Yoongi took a deep breath,
"Alpha Kinam is taking me to Seoul for the National Ball, he said I could stay at home before we leave."

Yoongis mother stared at him in slight disbelief, the National Pack Ball.
"How long will you be in Seoul?",She asks with a curious look.
"Head Alpha said a month give or take.", Yoongi answered with his head facing the counter in front of him.
"Oh..." Haneul whispered, trying to hide her shock, a month? A month without seeing my darling boy? What if something happens?! What if I lose him? I can't lose both my sons! I can't-

"Mama," Yoongi places his hand gently atop his mothers, he knew she was overthinking, he gets it from her surely.
"I'll be fine Mama, I'll be okay, a group from the pack are going, I'll be safe. I'm actually excited to go!"

It killed Yoongi to lie to his mother, he didn't want to go, in fact he wanted nothing less, but he couldn't indulge in those thoughts. His mother is here, panicking for him, and he needs to reassure her, she's already been through too much.

"R-really?" She asks shakily after composing herself.
"Of course" he lied, "there'll be music and dancing and fancy clothes! I'll also get to see cousin Namjoon!" At least I'm somewhat honest...

"Oh that'll be nice!" His mother declares excitedly, "and who knows, maybe you'll meet your mate" she wiggles her eyebrows excessively, causing Yoongi to giggle again.
"Don't get your hopes up Mama, but we'll see what happens" he answers with a smile.
He loved being a Mamas boy.
He loved his Mama.


"THATS RIGHT!" Hoseok exclaimed as he arrived at the pack house front gate, "WHOS THE FASTEST IN BLACK QUARTZ?!"
"Do you know, I really appreciate how humble he's become in his adulthood" Jimin snarked while running alongside Jungkook.
"YAS BITCHES ITS ME!! IM THE FASTEST IN BLACK QUARTZ!!!!" Hoseok continued, while banging his fists on his chest in a barbaric manner.
"Hyung, it wasn't a race!" Jungkook laughs while catching his own breath.
"It's always a race" he joked while pointing a finger at the young alpha.

"Anyways, I heard from some guards that some of the guest packs will be arriving on Monday," Jimin changed the subject while downing a bottle of water, passing one to Jungkook as well.
"Yeah, there's 3 coming next week right?" Hoseok confirmed.
"Yeah, RedStone, PinkGlass and..." Jungkook pauses, "and some other small pack can't remember the name of" he shrugs.

"The PlumOpal Pack," A voice from behind states.
The three alphas turn to be greeted by a dimpled smile and large black glasses.
"Namjoon! You missed training!" Hoseok exclaims while pouting.
"Sorry, I was working with Head Alpha, we're discussing treaty ideas and expansion contracts to give to the visiting packs"
"Fathers home?" Jungkook asks curiously.
"He got back this morning around 5, we've been working since" Namjoon rubs the back of neck, the tiredness visible in the small bags under his eyes.
"Also the last pack visiting next week, it's the PlumOpal Pack, my old pack" Namjoon states with a smile, he misses his old pack. It was heartbreaking to leave but he'd do it again in a second if it meant staying with his mate.

Typically the omega in the relationship will move packs if need be, unless the Omegas home pack is larger, in which case the Alpha will change packs.
As Jin was from the largest pack in Korea, it only made sense for Namjoon to join.

"That's right!" Jimin clapped excitedly "maybe we can meet some of your old friends! Get some good dirt on you"
"Go for it," Namjoon joked, "although I believe only a small number of their packs upper alphas will be attending."
"As is common for smaller packs" Jungkook adds.
"Still, it will be nice to see them again, maybe my cousin will come too"
"Your cousin ?" Hoseok speaks up with a lift of his brow, "what's this cousin like?"
"Well HE, was really bold and confident as a pup, he was strong and a very good friend" he smiles while remembering his young cousin.

It's true, as a child Yoongi was brave and bold. He was determined to prove that just because he was an omega that didn't stop him from having great adventures.
Of course that's back when they were children. Namjoon left the PlumOpal just after he turned 18, Yoongi was only 12 then. Even after Yoongi presented as an Omega, he was bold and broke the rules.
Namjoon always stood his case when things got out of hand.
How oblivious Namjoon is to how bad it got for Yoongi once he left...

"Is he an alpha?" Jimin asked curiously,
"Oh he's a-" Namjoon was cut off by the ringing of his phone, "one moment"
He turns and walks a few feet away to take the call.

"Well it'll be nice to have some new company for a while, Joon-ho cousin seems like a good match for us." Hoseok smiled.
"It's always nice to meet and talk to other alphas, I wonder if he's like Joon...?" Jimin questioned quietly.
"Jimin, we can't talk of things like that out here," Jungkook warned.
"I know, I'm just saying, if he is, then he an join our council of Alphas." The blond Male places a hand on his hip to state his point.
"I guess, we'll have to wait and see" Hoseok replies excitedly.

"Sorry about that guys, Kook, your Dad wants to discuss arrangements for the meetings with you," Namjoon returns with a small apologetic smile.
"Alright Ill be there in a minute," Jungkook says while reaching in his gym bag for a t-shirt.
"Also your mother told me to remind you of your appointment with the Tailor"
Jungkook groaned.

That's the end of the chapter! I hope you enjoyed

Side note: Hair colours
Namjoon: Grey/blond
Seokjin: soft pink
Hoseok: red/orange
Jimin: blonde
Jungkook: dark brown
Taehyung: grey
Yoongi : Black

That's just a small note cause their hair doesn't necessarily match the photos I used, but they mostly do.

Work count : 1269 words

Little MissyL

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