They hid the stones and blocked the entry of the room they were in, putting every furniture on the room in front of the door -including the piano- and waited.

The room was dark, it had no windows to the outside which was beneficial for them because there was only one way in, just one door to keep an eye on.

The loud noises stopped and Yoongi told Yongsun to hide while he stood on the middle of the room, but Yongsun stood next to him and smiled "I'm not going to hide, Yoonie" she laughed a little "I want to have fun too" she said following by a wink that made Yoongi smile

"Just take care of yourself, please"

"I will"

Yongsun made a flame on her hand and Yoongi's body was surrounded by shadows when they heard a noise outside the room, an evil laugh that sent shivers down their spine.

There was a lot of sounds outside, they were trying to open the doors. The noise disappeared, Yoongi and Yongsun were focused on what could happen next, but they never anticipated a small "Boo" from behind them, which made them jump and turned around ready to fight.

There were no one.

"Yoongi" another voice said behind them again, but this time when they turned there was a girl with big eyes and perfect skin. Yoongi felt himself disconnecting to the world like he was in a kind of trance.

He couldn't move just saw how another girl appeared in front of them and attacked Yongsun. They fight, Yongsun burning everything she could and the other girl appearing and disappearing everywhere and attacking her.

Yoongi was struggling, fighting to get out the trance, he wanted to help Solar. He needed to save her.

The girl that said Yoongi's name walked calmly towards him, while the other two fighted "Your friend is good" she said in Yoongi's ear "I've always liked fire"

Yoongi couldn't believe he was being this unuseful, he felt impotent, it was the worse scenario he could picture.

"Now Yoongi, I need to know where are the stones" she said smiling "tell me"

It was scary how she could do that to him, Yoongi couldn't understand why he said "On the piano" his heart was beating so fast and his hands were sweating, what the hell is happening with me he thought.

Solar heard him and runned to the piano where Lisa was already taking the stones from "No!" she yelled her body covering with flames from head to toe and launched her all the fire she could to prevent her to stole the gems.

Lisa teletransport herself to the other side of the room but never saw Rosé behind here and the fire reached her burning half of her face. Rosé cried in pain and yelled "Yoongi, kill her!"

Yongsun turned to Yoongi who was walking straight to her, his eyes becoming charcoal black and his body becoming one with the shadows surrounding them.

Subconsciously Yoongi was aware of what he was doing, but he couldn't stop, and Yongsun couldn't fight back, not with him.

She just look at him and smiled "I know you're there Yoonie, and I know you would never hurt me" she said knowing how bad he must been feeling, she knew it was inevitable and there was a purpose, bigger than her "It's ok baby I love you, I know, it's going to be fine"

Yoongi's shadows started to fill her body.

Yoongi's ability was dark and powerful but he never thought he would be in a situation were he would hate so much to have it.

Yongsun's spirit left her physical body, disappearing into the shadows, and Yoongi's heart break in that moment, knowing he had just done the most terrible thing he could and that he couldn't do anything about it.

Rosé's body was still in complete pain which caused her to pass out, freeing Yoongi from his trance, but as soon as he was free, they were gone.

Yoongi's knees gave up and he fell to the ground, sadness and pain all over him. He couldn't save her, the love of his life.

Deep down he knew it was not his fault and Yongsun's words sounded repeatedly in his head 'I know you're there Yoonie, and I know you would never hurt me, It's ok baby I love you, I know, it's going to be fine' but he'd never felt worse.

He curled himself on the ground and cried, because nothing could ever lessen the pain on his heart.

And the worst part was that all their efforts were in vain, because Jungkook had what he wanted, the four stones.

Lisa's ability to teletransport was a blessing for them, they went directly to take out of the Venue Jungkook, Jisoo and Jennie, because finally they had what they wanted, the four stones.

They realized later that it had been Jungkook's plan since the beginning, to made them recollect the stones and place them all in the same space so it was easier for him to take them.

But that was not the end of the story.



Hey guys

please don't hate me XD

I promise it's going to be a light at the end of the tunnel

What do you think is going to happen next?

Remember that part 2 I told you about? I already 

have 3 chapters but I need places around the world, 

so tell me where would you like to see them next?

Maybe where are you from or another place you like?

Another moment of silence for our Red Velver Amazons 

and especially for our beloved leader Yongsun RIP...



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